Left outer Query optimization

  • hi

    following is the query to find data present in one column and not in other table

    select distinct([Baseball65K24].[Col005]) from  [Baseball65K24] left outer join  [Baseball65K50] on [Baseball65K50].[Col007] =  [Baseball65K24].[Col005] where [Baseball65K50].[Col007] is null  order by[Baseball65K24].[Col005]

    is there a better way(performance wise) to implement it




  • Can you post the full query. Posted query and the following would give the same result set.

    SELECT DISTINCT [Baseball65K24].[Col005])






     [Baseball65K50].[Col007] =  [Baseball65K24].[Col005]


     [Baseball65K50].[Col007] IS NULL



    Also what is the purpose of [Baseball65K50].[Col007] IS NULL. This will make the comparison [Baseball65K50].[Col007] =  [Baseball65K24].[Col005] impossible the join.


  • Can you post your execution plan for your query

    Kindest Regards,



     will make that join possible and will return those rows that are in first table and not in second table  [Baseball65K50].[Col007] IS NULL

    Kindest Regards,


  • Make sure you have indexes on : [Baseball65K50].[Col007]  and  [Baseball65K24].[Col005]

    By the way I hope you are just testing and that those are not final column names!!!


    * Noel

  • Vasc What I mean was that does't mean any thing. Synatax is correct and the join will not add any thing. It is as good as not having that join.


  • govinn,

    Vasc is correct!!

    When you perform a left outer join and  the table column where the join can't  the two tables you get a null  if you then specify the IS NULL condition on the where clause you are effectively retrieving the rows that do not exist on the right side table!!!


    * Noel

  • Yes yes yes

    I have been doing this for zillion times. I need a coffee. Sorry for the confusion.

    My mind was thinking like below even after Vasc mentioned

     [Baseball65K50].[Col007] =  [Baseball65K24].[Col005] AND

     [Baseball65K50].[Col007] IS NULL


  • Don't worry I have had my Lack of caffeine more than once too as a matter of fact I should be get a cup now!!


    * Noel

  • thnx for the reply

    we are using the query to find data from lefttable thats not available on right side table.

    is there a better way of performing it


  • how if we put:

    select col005 from [Baseball65K24] a where not exists( select 1 from [Baseball65K50] b where a.col005 = b.col007)

    would it run faster?



  • thnx a lot

    that was really fast

    jus one thing , can somebody explain me the diff between 2 queries , mine was a join n this is a subquery so shuldnt join be faster but in this case subquery is faster


  • Exists is not a subquery, it only returns true or false, so no data ia actually fecthed from the clustered index (besides the minimum it takes to make sure you get a hit).

  • Just want to add that when the number of repeated keys on the inner table is large exists is always a superior choice but when the keys are not repeated too much you could get better performace from the Join

    Therefore this will always depend on the data and you should try both cases to determine what's  best!


    * Noel

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