Qty subtraction - multiple rows

  • Is this possible to do using only the SQL Code?

    I have Invoice_Products table... ( for example )

    ProdName ----- QtyOrdered

    Car            1

    Boat           2

    Car            3

    Bike           1

    ( Notice there's "Car" in two separate rows.. )

    And I need to deduct these from the Products table.

    When I run this code:

    UPDATE Products

    SET Products.qty = Products.qty - InvoiceProducts.qtyOrdered

    FROM InvoiceProducts

    WHERE Products.prodCode = InvoiceProducts.prodCode

    It only takes into account ONE row ( second one)  of "Car", instead of both... so it will deduct 3 in this case.

    Is there some SQL code that I could use to make this work?


  • Hi friend,

    try this:

    create table products(

     product_id varchar(25),

     qty int


    create table invoice_product(

     product_id varchar(25),

     qty int


    insert into products

    select 'car', 10

    insert into products

    select 'boat', 10

    insert into products

    select 'bike', 10

    insert into invoice_product

    select 'car', 1

    insert into invoice_product

    select 'boat', 2

    insert into invoice_product

    select 'car', 3

    insert into invoice_product

    select 'bike', 1


    select * from products

    select * from invoice_product


    update products

    set qty = a.qty - b.qty

    from products a, (select product_id, sum(qty) qty from invoice_product group by product_id) b

    where a.product_id = b.product_id


  • That works!!!

    Thank you so much!!!

    I sure gotta learn "GROUP BY" and all well.... thanks so much~!

  • I am sure you can do better than me.

  • Maybe you will understand this syntax easier: You do not need grouping because of the sub-select.

    update products

    set qty = a.qty - (select sum(b.qty) from invoice_product b where b.product_id = a.product_id)

    from products a

    Consulting DBA / Developer
    South Africa

  • Or using ANSI-92 SQL, rather than the archaic ANSQL-89 (older Sybase, SQL 6.5) join-in-the-where-clause

    update products

    set qty = a.qty - b.qty

    from products a JOIN (select product_id, sum(qty) qty from invoice_product group by product_id) b ON a.product_id = b.product_id

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