Dynamic Query Execution Using sp_executeSQL

  • Hi All,

    I am trying to Change the Password of users using a Dynamic QUery like this

    Execute sp_executesql N'sp_password null,''YC3STLXO32'',@usr_id'

    I am getting an error while executing the Query saying "Must declare the variable '@usr_id'."

    Can aynone help me in this regards


  • First of all, why are you doing this with dynamic sql??

    Anyway, here is how to do it:

    Execute sp_executesql N'sp_password null,''YC3STLXO32'', ' + @usr_id

    If @usr_id is a character type you need to add quotes:

    Execute sp_executesql N'sp_password null,''YC3STLXO32'', ''' + @usr_id + ''''

    However, note that by doing this with dynamic sql you are opening up for sql injection attacks. Like I said first, why do you need dynamic sql for this?

  • Hi Chris,

    Thanks for your reply

    but when i tried executing this SP with the syantax mentioned by you. I am getting an error saying incorrect syntax near  +

    CREATE proc sp_cp


     @usr_id varchar(50)




    Execute sp_executesql N'sp_password null,''YC3STLXO32'', ''' + @usr_id + ''''


    Actually speaking i am not using Dyanmic Queries my question was how to substitute parameter values in sp_executeSql as "execute" does not support parameter substitution. Am i right with my understanding

  • But why do you not just do this then:

    CREATE proc sp_cp


    @usr_id varchar(50)




    EXECUTE sp_password null, 'YC3STLXO32' , @usr_id


  • HI Chris,

    Thanks a lot.. I didn't know that we can do that by the way u've told.. i've made it very complex..


    Anyways thanks a lot chris.. and sorry for wasting your time

  • Hi Guys,

    I think you will find the reason for the dynamic sql error was that @usr_id is numeric. You will need to CAST / CONVERT it before adding it to your string e.g:

    Execute sp_executesql N'sp_password null,''YC3STLXO32'', ''' + CAST(@usr_id as NVARCHAR(10))+ ''''

    You definately dont need the complexities of Dynamic SQL to accomplish this task...... but EXEC does quite happily support parameter substituion. E.g.

    DECLARE @SQLSelectFrom NVARCHAR(4000)


    DECLARE @InputVariable NVARCHAR(100)

    SET @InputVariable = 'Roger'


    SET @SQLWhere = N'WHERE A_COLUMN_VALUE = ' + @InputVariable

    PRINT (@SQLSelectFrom + @SQLWhere)

    --EXEC (@SQLSelectFrom + @SQLWhere)

    Change the sql to something relevant to the DB you are working in and un-comment the exec......

    Have Fun


    We need men who can dream of things that never were.

  • Hey, no waste. As long as something was learned it is never a waste.

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