Search date between mm1/yyyy1 and mm2/yyyy2

  • Hello

    I  have a table with a column for a month and another for a year.

    I want to search for a given mm/yyyy between mm1/yyyy1 and mm2/yyyy2

    How can I do that?

    Thank you for any help.


  • You will have to put the columns back together in a dateformat to search like that along with the MM/YYYY you are looking for i.e.

    WHERE MM/01/YYYY BETWEEN MM1 + '/01/' + YYYY1 AND MM2 + '/01/' + YYYY2

    May need to do CAST or CONVERT to accomplish this to make them all CHAR fields.  May need to CAST to DATETIME as well after that or not.

    Good Hunting!

    AJ Ahrens

  • Of course if the columns are char(4) and char(2) (and I would not be surprised if they are) then you could simply do:

    WHERE yearcolumn + monthcolumn BETWEEN '200501' AND '200510'

    The month column would of course need to be left-padded for this to work.

  • Hi there

    This is basically what AJ also said... Try this:

    select * from TblName


    convert(smalldatetime, cast(MonthField as varchar(2) + '/' + cast(YearField as varchar(2) + '/' + '01',111)


    '2005/04/01' --Date1

    and '2005/08/01' --Date2


    <hr noshade size='1' width='250' color='#BBC8E5'>Kindest Regards,

    <a href='http://' class='authorlink' target='_blank'></a>

    --There are only 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand binary, and those who don't.

  • But this query would not be able to use an index seek to find results. A where clause must be in a SARG format, that is column operator constant. The convert for the column turns it into an expression, and thereby the caluse is not a SARG anymore.

  • I used Chris Hedgate solution and it does what I wanted it to do.

    Thank you all for your support.



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