Drop and add users in multiple DBs

  • Hello

    I am trying to prepare a script that will be used with my Log Shipping/DR process. 

    Once I have rought all Dbs online I would like to step through each database and either drop or add a specific user (which will be the DBO).

    The problem that I have is that in some databases the dbo is MachineName\NewUser and others it is NewUser.  I would like to drop all these occurences and recreate them so that the user in  the db wil be NewUser.

    However my logic seems to be a bit over the place  as when I run the following script the user that is returned from the (select name from sysusers)appears to be coming from the database that you actually run the script in rather that taking it from the database in the cursor

    DECLARE @dbname VARCHAR(250)

    DECLARE @Adduser NVARCHAR(250)

    DECLARE @Amenduser NVARCHAR(250)

    DECLARE @loginname VARCHAR(250)



    DECLARE databasename CURSOR FOR

    SELECT name FROM master.dbo.sysdatabases

    WHERE dbid > 4

     OPEN databasename


     FROM databasename

     INTO @dbname


     IF @@FETCH_STATUS <> 0

      PRINT 'No User Defined Databases Found'





       SET @sqlstring = 'USE ' + @dbname

        EXEC sp_executesql @sqlstring

       PRINT @dbname + '  ******active db name*****'

       SET @loginname = (SELECT name FROM sysusers WHERE name LIKE '%NewUser%')

       print @loginname + ' User name'

       IF (SELECT COUNT(@loginname)) <> 0


         SET @Amenduser = 'EXEC SP_DROPUSER ' + char(39)+ @loginname + char(39) + + char(13) +

         'EXEC SP_ADDUSER ' + char(39) + 'MachineName\NewUser' + char(39)+ ','+ char(39)+'NewUser' + char(39)+ ',' + char(39)+ 'db_owner' + char(39)

         Print @amenduser + ' Drop and add'

         EXEC sp_executesql @amenduser


       --  ELSE


        -- SET @Adduser = 'EXEC SP_ADDUSER ' + char(39) + 'MachineName\NewUser' + char(39)+ ','+ char(39)+'NewUser' + char(39)+ ',' + char(39)+ 'db_owner' + char(39)

        -- Print @adduser + ' Add user'

        -- EXEC sp_executesql @adduser



       FETCH NEXT FROM databasename INTO @dbname


     CLOSE databasename

     DEALLOCATE databasename



    Any help would be grately appreciated as my mind is going round the bend....



  • I have just a suggestion. Have you tried this?

    Instead of

    SET @sqlstring = 'USE ' + @dbname

    EXEC sp_executesql @sqlstring

    PRINT @dbname + '  ******active db name*****'

    SET @loginname = (SELECT name FROM sysusers WHERE name LIKE '%NewUser%')

    You could use


       SET @sqlstring = '   SET @loginname = (SELECT name FROM ' + @dbname + 'dbo.sysusers WHERE name LIKE '%NewUser%')  '

       EXEC sp_executesql @sqlstring

  • This might be stupid, but last i heard was that some of the system tables are no longer in the master db. Just a chek.



  • Hello All

    Many thanks for your responses.  Unfortunately my issues are specific to SQL 2000 and not Yukon.  I opened the thread in the wrong forum.

    Once again thank you for your suggestions.





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