getting records from multiple tables....

  • Hi Everybody

    Please help me how to write a query for the below situation.

    I have table like


    FID  FNAME         NoOfButtons      NoOfLables


    1    Login                  2                      4

    2    Main Form           5                      3


    For the Login form I have 2 buttons and 4 labels and for Main Form 5 buttons and 3 labels.

    I have "Buttons" and "Labels" tables to store the records.

    The "Buttons" table is like


    FID    BID       Button Desc


    1       1           Logon

    1       2           OK

    2       1           Search

    2       2           OK

    2       3           Find

    2       4           GetResults

    2       5           Exit


    The "Labels" table is like


    FID    LID        Label Desc


    1       1           Login ID

    1       2           Password

    1       3           Error

    1       4           Remember Me

    2       1           Search Key

    2       2           Name

    2       3           Address


    I want the results like this


    Form Name    Button Desc    Label Desc


    Login             Logon


                                             Login ID



                                             Remember Me

    Main Form    Search





                                             Search Key





    Thanks in Advance

    Live Life Like Lion !!!

  • I don't quite understand the question, but if the main thing is the layout of the results, then it looks like that is the kind of formatting best suited for the client / presentation app.


  • Hi Kenneth,

    Here I will explain what I need exactly....

    In the first table form, I have two columns NoOfButtons, NoOfLables. For each column in the form table i have a seperate table- so, I have table Buttons for NoOfButton column in the form for NoOfLables also.

    These colums represents the number of rows in the respective tables. For ex: NoOfButtons colums has the value 2, that means there are two rows in the Buttons table against that form (for each record in the form table you have a form id - FID and form name - FNAME).

    I need to display all the rows for that form -

    For Login form I have to display 6 rows (2 buttons + 4 labels)

    Like this I need to display all the rows against the form table.

    I hope you understood this Kenneth..


    Live Life Like Lion !!!

  • Hi,


    is this what you want ?

    drop table forms

    drop table labels

    drop table buttons


    create table forms ( fid int , formName varchar(20))

    create table buttons ( fid int , bid int , buttonName varchar(20))

    create table labels ( fid int , lid  int , labelName varchar(20))


    insert into forms

    select 1 , 'Login' union

    select 1 , 'Form Name'


    insert into buttons

    select 1, 1, 'Logon' union

    select 1,2,'OK' union

    select 2,1,'Search' union

    select 2,2,'OK' union

    select 2,3,'Find' union

    select 2,4,'GetResults' union

    select 2,5,'Exit'


    insert into labels

    select 1,1 ,   'Login ID' union

    select 1,2 ,   'Password' union

    select 1,3 ,   'Error' union

    select 1,4 ,   'Remember Me' union

    select 2,1 ,   'Search Key' union

    select 2,2 ,   'Name' union

    select 2,3 ,   'Address'




    ,  b.buttonName

    ,  '' as LabelName

    from   forms f

    inner join buttons b on b.fid = f.fid




    ,  '' as buttonName

    ,  l.LabelName

    from   forms f

    inner join labels l on l.fid = f.fid

    order by formname , buttonName ,labelname



  • oops

    should be

    insert into forms

    select 1 , 'Login' union

    select 1 , 'Main Form'




    ,  b.buttonName

    ,  '' as LabelName

    from   forms f

    inner join buttons b on b.fid = f.fid




    ,  '' as buttonName

    ,  l.LabelName

    from   forms f

    inner join labels l on l.fid = f.fid

    order by formname , labelname , buttonName

    this gives the correct button/label order


  • oops

    insert into forms

    select 1 , 'Login' union

    select 2 , 'Main Form'


    thats what happens when you rush

  • Almost there I think...

    This first came to mind:

    select f.fname, b.bdesc, l.ldesc

    from #forms f

    join #buttons b

    on f.fid = b.fid

    join #labels l

    on f.fid = l.fid

    fname                bdesc                ldesc               

    -------------------- -------------------- --------------------

    Login                Logon                Login ID

    Login                Logon                Password

    Login                Logon                Error

    Login                Logon                Remember Me

    Login                OK                   Login ID

    Login                OK                   Password

    Login                OK                   Error

    Login                OK                   Remember Me

    Main Form            Logon                Login ID

    Main Form            Logon                Password

    Main Form            Logon                Error

    Main Form            Logon                Remember Me

    Main Form            OK                   Login ID

    Main Form            OK                   Password

    Main Form            OK                   Error

    Main Form            OK                   Remember Me

    (16 row(s) affected)



    You have a problem here. There is nothing that says which label goes to which button, so you'll end up with all lables on each form being matched to all buttons on that form...


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