Transforming table rows to columns

  • Hi I need to write a script to be able to Transform rows to columns from a given table. Below is my sample input and desired output.

    Input table:

    ID Costs
    123 1000.00
    123 2000.00
    123 3000.00
    456 500.00
    456 1500.00
    789 1200.00
    789 5200.00
    789 2400.00

    Output table/view

    ID Cost1 Cost2 Cost3
    123 1000.00 2000.00 3000.00
    456 500.00 1500.00 0.00
    789 1200.00 5200.00 2400.00

    Note: for ID 463, the cost3 is 0.00 becuase there is no value in the input table.

    We will probably need to use a cursor for this. Wanted to know if anybody has any idea on transforming the data like this.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.



  • Is there any other data attribute that differentiates the rows?


    ID Costs
    123 1000.00
    123 2000.00
    123 3000.00

    How do you know 1000 is cost 1? and not cost 2?

    Is it cost 1 merely cuz its first? You cannot count on the order being right

    Is there another data attribute that differentiates these values?

    for starters look up the case statement,

    or google for Pivot Table.


  • Do a search on this site for Pivot Table.  Each listed applies to your question but are written to accept input that include three columns of data not 2.

    Browse through the scripts listed and play with them to see if you can get them to work:  I found this one to be good, but I couldn't get it to work with your input

    Wish I could help more, but it's late.



  • Thanks for your feedback guys.

    However, i was wondering if anybody has done this using cursors.?


  • This can be done using a cursor, but cursors are generally avoided because of performance, resources, etc.  Below is a script that will work with your data sets.  Instead of cursors I used local variable tables - although if you have to use a cursor the logic is easily replaced.

    You'll need to modify it to your needs for table names, columns, datatypes and general clean up. 

    On a side note, there are probably more efficient ways to do this (one being a cube) but this should work for you. 

    I created a table called tblPivotData and inserted your data into it.  Executed the below script and the output returns:

    iCostId     rCost1                   rCost2                   rCost3                  

    ----------- ------------------------ ------------------------ ------------------------

    123         1000.0                   2000.0                   3000.0

    456         500.0                    1500.0                   0.0

    789         1200.0                   5200.0                   2400.0

    To see the output of the script w/o modifications execute the below to create and populate the tblPivotdata table (Note that there two cost id's not in your data set...  This for illustration of what the script will do with the CostId vs Cost):

    Create Table tblPivotData (iCostId INT,rCost REAL)

    INSERT INTO tblPivotData Select 123,1000

    INSERT INTO tblPivotData Select 123,2000

    INSERT INTO tblPivotData Select 123,3000

    INSERT INTO tblPivotData Select 456,500

    INSERT INTO tblPivotData Select 456,1500

    INSERT INTO tblPivotData Select 789,1200

    INSERT INTO tblPivotData Select 789,5200

    INSERT INTO tblPivotData Select 789,2400

    INSERT INTO tblPivotData Select 111,1200

    INSERT INTO tblPivotData Select 111,5200

    INSERT INTO tblPivotData Select 555,2400

    INSERT INTO tblPivotData Select 555,2900




    DECLARE @iCostCount INT

    DECLARE @iMaxColumns INT

    DECLARE @iColumn INT


    DECLARE @iRowId2 INT

    DECLARE @iIdCount INT

    DECLARE @iCostId INT


    DECLARE @vcExecSQL VARCHAR(8000)

    DECLARE @vcInsertString VARCHAR(8000)

    DECLARE @tblCosts TABLE (iRowId INT IDENTITY(1,1),iCostId INT, iCostCount INT)

    DECLARE @tblInsertData TABLE (iRowId INT IDENTITY(1,1),rCost REAL)

    DECLARE @iFirst INT

    INSERT INTO @tblCosts Select distinct iCostId,count(*) from tblPivotData group by iCostId Order by iCostId DESC

    SET @iRowId = @@ROWCOUNT

    SET @iMaxColumns = (Select max(iCostCount) from @tblCosts)

    SET @iColumn = 1

    SET @vcExecSQL = 'IF EXISTS(Select * from sysobjects where id = OBJECT_ID(N''tblPivotedData''))'

      +' DROP TABLE tblPivotedData'

    EXEC (@vcExecSQL)

    SET @vcExecSQL = 'CREATE TABLE tblPivotedData(iCostId INT NOT NULL,'

    WHILE @iColumn <= @iMaxColumns


     IF @iColumn = @iMaxColumns

      SET @vcExecSQL = @vcExecSQL+'rCost'+cast(@iColumn as varchar)+' REAL CONSTRAINT DF_rCost_'+cast(@iColumn as varchar)+' DEFAULT (0))'


      SET @vcExecSQL = @vcExecSQL+'rCost'+cast(@iColumn as varchar)+' REAL CONSTRAINT DF_rCost_'+cast(@iColumn as varchar)+' DEFAULT (0),'

     SET @iColumn = @iColumn + 1


    EXEC (@vcExecSQL)

    DECLARE @iColCount INT


    WHILE @iRowId > 0


     SET @iCostId = (Select iCostId from @tblCosts where iRowId = @iRowId)

     INSERT INTO @tblInsertData Select rCost from tblPivotData where iCostId = @iCostId

     SET @iColCount = @@ROWCOUNT

     SET @iRowId2 = (Select max(iRowId) from @tblInsertData)

     SET @iFirst = 1


     SET @vcInsertString = 'INSERT INTO tblPivotedData (iCostId'

     WHILE @iColCount > 0


      SET @vcInsertString = @vcInsertString+',rCost'+cast(@iColCount as varchar)

      SET @iColCount = @iColCount-1


     SET @vcInsertString = @vcInsertString+') SELECT '+cast(@iCostId as varchar)+','

     WHILE @iRowId2 >= (select min(iRowId) from @tblInsertData)


      SET @rCost = (Select rCost from @tblInsertData where iRowId = @iRowId2)

      IF @iFirst = 1


       SET @vcInsertString = @vcInsertString+' '+cast(@rCost as varchar)

       SET @iFirst = 0



       SET @vcInsertString = @vcInsertString+','+cast(@rCost as varchar)

      SET @iRowId2 = @iRowId2-1


     EXEC (@vcInsertString)

     delete from @tblInsertData

     SET @iRowId = @iRowId-1 


    Select * from tblPivotedData


  • Thanks a lot Jason. This works. I cant thank you enough for this.

    I was trying this to see if it will work if my second column in the input table is a varchar datatype rather than integer. Eg instead of cost if it is instrument and i want to transform it into instrument1, instrument2, instrument3. It ofcourse fails becuase the insert statement throws an error as it is doing select on varchar values withough close quoations. Would you know a way to make it work.

    I have modified the script like pasted below.


    Create Table tblPivotData (iCostID INT,instrument varchar(50))

    INSERT INTO tblPivotData Select 123,'abc'

    INSERT INTO tblPivotData Select 123,'dvb'

    INSERT INTO tblPivotData Select 123,'dgd'

    INSERT INTO tblPivotData Select 456,'des'

    INSERT INTO tblPivotData Select 456,'dfd'

    INSERT INTO tblPivotData Select 789,'dge'

    INSERT INTO tblPivotData Select 789,'dgd'

    INSERT INTO tblPivotData Select 789,'dfd'

    INSERT INTO tblPivotData Select 111,'dere'

    INSERT INTO tblPivotData Select 111,'dfd'

    INSERT INTO tblPivotData Select 555,'dfd'

    INSERT INTO tblPivotData Select 555,'adf'




    DECLARE @iCostCount INT

    DECLARE @iMaxColumns INT

    DECLARE @iColumn INT


    DECLARE @iRowId2 INT

    DECLARE @iIdCount INT


    DECLARE @instrument varchar

    DECLARE @vcExecSQL VARCHAR(8000)

    DECLARE @vcInsertString VARCHAR(8000)

    DECLARE @tblCosts TABLE (iRowId INT IDENTITY(1,1),iCostID INT, iCostCount INT)

    DECLARE @tblInsertData TABLE (iRowId INT IDENTITY(1,1),instrument varchar(50))

    DECLARE @iFirst INT

    INSERT INTO @tblCosts Select distinct iCostID,count(*) from tblPivotData group by iCostID Order by iCostID DESC

    SET @iRowId = @@ROWCOUNT

    SET @iMaxColumns = (Select max(iCostCount) from @tblCosts)

    SET @iColumn = 1

    SET @vcExecSQL = 'IF EXISTS(Select * from sysobjects where id = OBJECT_ID(N''tblPivotedData''))'

      +' DROP TABLE tblPivotedData'

    EXEC (@vcExecSQL)

    SET @vcExecSQL = 'CREATE TABLE tblPivotedData(iCostID INT NOT NULL,'

    WHILE @iColumn <= @iMaxColumns


     IF @iColumn = @iMaxColumns

      SET @vcExecSQL = @vcExecSQL+'instrument'+cast(@iColumn as varchar)+' Varchar(50) CONSTRAINT DF_instrument_'+cast(@iColumn as varchar)+' DEFAULT (0))'


      SET @vcExecSQL = @vcExecSQL+'instrument'+cast(@iColumn as varchar)+' Varchar(50) CONSTRAINT DF_instrument_'+cast(@iColumn as varchar)+' DEFAULT (0),'

     SET @iColumn = @iColumn + 1


    EXEC (@vcExecSQL)

    DECLARE @iColCount INT


    WHILE @iRowId > 0


     SET @iCostID = (Select iCostID from @tblCosts where iRowId = @iRowId)

     INSERT INTO @tblInsertData Select instrument from tblPivotData where iCostID = @iCostID

     SET @iColCount = @@ROWCOUNT

     SET @iRowId2 = (Select max(iRowId) from @tblInsertData)

     SET @iFirst = 1


     SET @vcInsertString = 'INSERT INTO tblPivotedData (iCostID'

     WHILE @iColCount > 0


      SET @vcInsertString = @vcInsertString+',instrument'+cast(@iColCount as varchar)

      SET @iColCount = @iColCount-1


     SET @vcInsertString = @vcInsertString+') SELECT '+cast(@iCostID as varchar)+','

     WHILE @iRowId2 >= (select min(iRowId) from @tblInsertData)


      SET @instrument = (Select instrument from @tblInsertData where iRowId = @iRowId2)

      IF @iFirst = 1


       SET @vcInsertString = @vcInsertString+' '+cast(@instrument as varchar(50))

       SET @iFirst = 0



       SET @vcInsertString = @vcInsertString+','+cast(@instrument as varchar(50))

      SET @iRowId2 = @iRowId2-1


     EXEC (@vcInsertString)

    print @vcInsertString

     delete from @tblInsertData

     SET @iRowId = @iRowId-1


    Select * from tblPivotedData

  • I took out the cast function just to make it neater since you don't have to covert a varchar to a varchar, then added single quotes so that the print @vcExecSQL will now look like this:

    INSERT INTO tblPivotedData (iCostID,instrument3,instrument2,instrument1) SELECT 123, 'd','d','a'

    Here is the script with the modifications, I hope this will work for you, let me know.

    if exists(select * from sysobjects where id = OBJECT_ID(N'tblPivotData'))

     DROP TABLE tblPivotData


    Create Table tblPivotData (iCostID INT,instrument varchar(50))

    INSERT INTO tblPivotData Select 123,'abc'

    INSERT INTO tblPivotData Select 123,'dvb'

    INSERT INTO tblPivotData Select 123,'dgd'

    INSERT INTO tblPivotData Select 456,'des'

    INSERT INTO tblPivotData Select 456,'dfd'

    INSERT INTO tblPivotData Select 789,'dge'

    INSERT INTO tblPivotData Select 789,'dgd'

    INSERT INTO tblPivotData Select 789,'dfd'

    INSERT INTO tblPivotData Select 111,'dere'

    INSERT INTO tblPivotData Select 111,'dfd'

    INSERT INTO tblPivotData Select 555,'dfd'

    INSERT INTO tblPivotData Select 555,'adf'




    DECLARE @iCostCount INT

    DECLARE @iMaxColumns INT

    DECLARE @iColumn INT


    DECLARE @iRowId2 INT

    DECLARE @iIdCount INT


    DECLARE @instrument varchar

    DECLARE @vcExecSQL VARCHAR(8000)

    DECLARE @vcInsertString VARCHAR(8000)

    DECLARE @tblCosts TABLE (iRowId INT IDENTITY(1,1),iCostID INT, iCostCount INT)

    DECLARE @tblInsertData TABLE (iRowId INT IDENTITY(1,1),instrument varchar(50))

    DECLARE @iFirst INT

    INSERT INTO @tblCosts Select distinct iCostID,count(*) from tblPivotData group by iCostID Order by iCostID DESC

    SET @iRowId = @@ROWCOUNT

    SET @iMaxColumns = (Select max(iCostCount) from @tblCosts)

    SET @iColumn = 1

    SET @vcExecSQL = 'IF EXISTS(Select * from sysobjects where id = OBJECT_ID(N''tblPivotedData''))'

      +' DROP TABLE tblPivotedData'

    EXEC (@vcExecSQL)

    SET @vcExecSQL = 'CREATE TABLE tblPivotedData(iCostID INT NOT NULL,'

    WHILE @iColumn <= @iMaxColumns


     IF @iColumn = @iMaxColumns

      SET @vcExecSQL = @vcExecSQL+'instrument'+cast(@iColumn as varchar)+' Varchar(50) CONSTRAINT DF_instrument_'+cast(@iColumn as varchar)+' DEFAULT (0))'


      SET @vcExecSQL = @vcExecSQL+'instrument'+cast(@iColumn as varchar)+' Varchar(50) CONSTRAINT DF_instrument_'+cast(@iColumn as varchar)+' DEFAULT (0),'

     SET @iColumn = @iColumn + 1


    EXEC (@vcExecSQL)

    DECLARE @iColCount INT


    WHILE @iRowId > 0


     SET @iCostID = (Select iCostID from @tblCosts where iRowId = @iRowId)

     INSERT INTO @tblInsertData Select instrument from tblPivotData where iCostID = @iCostID

     SET @iColCount = @@ROWCOUNT

     SET @iRowId2 = (Select max(iRowId) from @tblInsertData)

     SET @iFirst = 1


     SET @vcInsertString = 'INSERT INTO tblPivotedData (iCostID'

     WHILE @iColCount > 0


      SET @vcInsertString = @vcInsertString+',instrument'+cast(@iColCount as varchar)

      SET @iColCount = @iColCount-1


     SET @vcInsertString = @vcInsertString+') SELECT '+cast(@iCostID as varchar)+','

     WHILE @iRowId2 >= (select min(iRowId) from @tblInsertData)


      SET @instrument = (Select instrument from @tblInsertData where iRowId = @iRowId2)

      IF @iFirst = 1


       SET @vcInsertString = @vcInsertString+' '''+@instrument+''''

       SET @iFirst = 0



       SET @vcInsertString = @vcInsertString+','''+@instrument+''''

      SET @iRowId2 = @iRowId2-1


     EXEC (@vcInsertString)

    print @vcInsertString

     delete from @tblInsertData

     SET @iRowId = @iRowId-1


    Select * from tblPivotedData


  • Thanks a bunch Jason for providing the solution to handle the varchar datatype.  I really appreciate your assistance on this.


  • Are you using SQL Server 2005?  One query does the trick:

    -- Set up sample data


    @Source table (CostId int NOT NULL, Cost decimal(6, 2) NOT NULL)


    @Source(CostID, Cost)

    SELECT 123,1000 UNION SELECT 123,2000 UNION SELECT 123,3000 UNION SELECT 456,500

    UNION SELECT 456,1500 UNION SELECT 789,1200 UNION SELECT 789,5200 UNION SELECT 789,2400

    UNION SELECT 111,1200 UNION SELECT 111,5200 UNION SELECT 555,2400 UNION SELECT 555,2900


    -- Just for reference: this query is the derived table used as the input to the PIVOT in the solution below -- It may be commented out

    SELECT CostID, Cost, 'Cost' + CONVERT(varchar(3), DENSE_RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY CostID ORDER BY CostID, Cost)) AS CostRank FROM @Source


    -- The entire solution in one query: pivot the CostX columns to produce the results


    CostID, IsNull(Cost1, 0) AS [Cost1], IsNull(Cost2, 0) AS [Cost2], IsNull(Cost3, 0) AS [Cost3], IsNull(Cost4, 0) AS [Cost4] FROM ( SELECT CostID, Cost, 'Cost' + CONVERT(varchar(3), DENSE_RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY CostID ORDER BY CostID, Cost)) AS CostRank FROM @Source ) a PIVOT (SUM(Cost) FOR CostRank IN (Cost1, Cost2, Cost3, Cost4)) pvt


    BY CostID



    The results:

    --This is the input table to the PIVOT

    CostID Cost CostRank

    111 1200.00 Cost1

    111 5200.00 Cost2

    123 1000.00 Cost1

    123 2000.00 Cost2

    123 3000.00 Cost3

    456 500.00 Cost1

    456 1500.00 Cost2

    555 2400.00 Cost1

    555 2900.00 Cost2

    789 1200.00 Cost1

    789 2400.00 Cost2

    789 5200.00 Cost3


    -- This is the result of the PIVOT

    CostID Cost1

    Cost2 Cost3 Cost4

    111 1200.00 5200.00 0.00 0.00

    123 1000.00 2000.00 3000.00 0.00

    456 500.00 1500.00 0.00 0.00

    555 2400.00 2900.00 0.00 0.00

    789 1200.00 2400.00 5200.00 0.00



    Eddie Wuerch
    MCM: SQL

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