full text population

  • Hi,

    I have performance problems on full text index :I schedule incremental population each hours and It take 30min to populate !!!

    - what to do to increase the speed of population ?

    - should I schedule it more frequently ?

    - Where can I find the "last population date" (entreprise manager, catalog property ) by query to store the evolution of the duration ?


    Thanks a lot


  • Can I assume that you're using SQL Server 2000? When you can reply back with the @@version output... If you are using SQL Server 2000, I'd highly recommned that you use "Change Tracking" with "Update Index in Background" as this new feature of SQL Server 2000 will allow you to avoid having to use Incrmental Population to keep the FT Catlogs current. SQL Server 2000 BOL title "Maintaining Full-Text Indexes" has more information on this feature.

    However, if you're using SQL Server 7.0, then your stuck using Incrmental Population. In either case, you should also consider moving your FT Catalogs to a drive that is separate from your database files (*.mdf, *.ndf and *.ldf) and separate from the system disk where the pagefile is present. This will speed up I/O and avoid I/O contention during the FT Population porcessing.

    As for "last population date", you can use the following SQL code to get that information:

    USE <your_database_name>


    SELECT FullTextCatalogProperty('<your_FT_Catalog_Name>',



    You can get all of the actual TSQL that the Enterprise Manager uses to get the FT Catalog metadata via the Profiler, see my blog entry: "Full Text

    Indexing using T-SQL from a Profiler Trace" at





    SQL Full Text Search Blog


    John T. Kane

  • thanks I test it on pre production and the performance are better !!


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