Log Shipping not copying or restoring

  • Can anyone advise me as to where I can check to see why the log shipping is failing to copy or restore to the secondary server. All jobs are running successfully. The monitor is on the secondary server and it can see that the backup has completed on the primary but the copy and restore delta are both growing. The account that SQL Agent runs under has a login on both the primary and scondary with system administrator priveleges. I have set up LS on another pair of servers without problems but I can not seem to get it to work on this current pair. By the way, the pair in question are both part of differenr clustered environments if that makes any difference. Are there any other logs that I could interrogate? I have checked the sql server logs and event viewer, none of which indicate as to why the copy and restore are not working. I assume the restore isn't working because it has nothing to restore. So why isn't the copy copying?

  • I am not clear with problem description. Job is working but files are not getting copied/restore?

    1. Go to Loshipping Monitor, Click on the pair and Check Copy/Restore history. Is it successfull? 

    2. If there is no errors then I believe that everything is working fine.

    3. All you need to do is create sample table on primary and check if it ships the table.

    4.. If data is getting shipped and Monitor server is showing "increasing delta" then problem boils down to the fact that data is not getting updated in the table. Below arrticle may help




    Let me know the result.

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