Query Execution Difference

  • I have a query that returns 71,000 rows from a table with 340,000 rows. On my development machine (Dell Optiplex Gx-280) it takes 20 seconds to return the data. On a secondary machine (IBM t-43 Laptop) it takes 4-5 seconds to return the same data.

    If I do count(*) instead of returning the rows, both machines take 1 second to return the count.

    Both machines are running Windows XP Pro Sp2 . The development machine has a 2.8 Mhz processor with 1 GB of memory. The other machine has a 1.8 GB processor with 1.5 GB of memory. Both machines have the same SQL ODBC driver (MDAC 2.8). As far as I can tell the Connection Properties are the same on both machines.

    I have asked others in our group to test the query, and their times vary from 4 to 7 seconds to return the same data.

    For the sake of taking out the network component, I copied the table from the network SQL Server to my local machine and re-ran the query. I had the same results.

    My question is does anyone have any thoughts as to where the bottleneck could be?


  • FYI - Problem seems to have been that Visual Studio Analyze was running. I turned it off under Tracing in the ODBC Administrator, and the query result time was reduced to 5 seconds.


  • Assuming you're running both queries in Query Analyser ... instead of executing the queries, hit CTRL-L to get the execution plan.

    Are the plans the same ?

    If plans are not the same then

    - Do both tables have the same indexes ?

    - Do both tables have a clustered index ?

    - Have you updated statistics on both tables ?


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