cursor Help

  • CREATE PROCEDURE report_insert_monthly_sales             





     CREATE TABLE #sales                          


      product varchar(20),                           

      sqty int default(0),                            


      jan int  default(0),

      feb int default(0),




     INSERT into #sales (product)

     select Product from  product_forecast  


     DECLARE @prod varchar(20),@qty int ,@jan int,@feb int


     DECLARE sales_cursor CURSOR FOR


      /// Get the monthly Sales value from invoice table




      SUM(qty) AS qty,

      jan = CASE WHEN MONTH(invoice_date) = 1 THEN isnull( SUM(qty) ,0)


      feb = CASE WHEN MONTH(invoice_date) = 2 THEN isnull(SUM(qty),0)


        MONTH(invoice_date) as months



     WHERE YEAR(invoice_date) = 2005 AND (product = 'MT-103-0602-200')

      GROUP BY product, MONTH(invoice_date)


     OPEN sales_cursor                           


     FETCH NEXT FROM sales_cursor                            

     INTO @prod,@qty,@jan,@feb              








       UPDATE  #sales                           

       SET  sqty=sqty+@qty,




      product= @prod        


       FETCH NEXT FROM sales_cursor          

       INTO @prod,@qty,@jan,@feb                             



    CLose sales_cursor                           

    Deallocate sales_cursor    


    select * from  #sales 

    Why My Feb and Jan Value always NULL

    Product            Total Qty  Jan      Feb

    MT-103-0602-200  26        NULL    NULL 


    Actual Value

    MT-103-0602-200  26       16     10

    any think wrong with SQL Scripts or How can i improve

    this code


    Thanks in Advance

    Kind Regards

    Vijay Vijayaratnam


  • Why are you using a cursor?

    UPDATE #Sales

     SET sQty = Agg.qty, Jan=Agg.jan, Feb=Agg.feb

     FROM (SELECT    


      SUM(qty) AS qty,

      SUM(CASE WHEN MONTH(invoice_date) = 1

                THEN ISNULL(qty,0)

                ELSE 0

              END) AS Jan,

      SUM(CASE WHEN MONTH(invoice_date) = 2

                THEN ISNULL(qty,0)

                ELSE 0

              END) AS Feb,



     WHERE YEAR(invoice_date) = 2005

     GROUP BY product) Agg

    WHERE Agg.product = #Sales.Product

    not tested, but should give you an idea.

    As for why you were getting nulls, the case statement was incorrect. what you want is to sum the quantity if the month is the one in question, else 0

    Also, from what I can tell, the group by month isn't needed.

    The above query will give you the overall and the by-month quantities for each product for the year 2005.

    If this isn't what you want, please post some sample data and desired output and I'll revise my suggestion.


    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • HI HTH

    Thanks for your Help. Its working fine

    Kind regards


    Have a nice day

  • Hi MTH

    If sales year more than 1 Year

    How can i write the scripts

    CREATE TABLE #sales                          


      product varchar(20),                           

      sqty int default(0),                           

      year  in                    

      jan int  default(0),

      feb int default(0),



    --- Thank MTH

      update #sales   

              SET  sqty=pf.qty,





       FROM (         



      year=year(invoice_date) as sales_year

      SUM(qty) as qty,

      SUM(CASE WHEN MONTH(invoice_date) = 1 THEN (qty) else 0 END) as jan,

      SUM(CASE WHEN MONTH(invoice_date) = 2 THEN (qty)  else 0 END) AS feb






     WHERE YEAR(invoice_date)

      GROUP BY product,year(invoice_date)

    ) pf

            where #sales.product=pf.product

    Kind regards


  • btw HTH stands for Hope that helps.

    Close, but not quite.

    Create the table sales and populate the years and products you want. (I assume you initially populate it because not all the products are in the salesdet table. Is that right?)

    UPDATE #Sales

     SET sQty = Agg.qty, Jan=Agg.jan, Feb=Agg.feb

     FROM (SELECT    


      YEAR(invoice_date) AS yr,

      SUM(qty) AS qty,

      SUM(CASE WHEN MONTH(invoice_date) = 1

                THEN ISNULL(qty,0)

                ELSE 0

              END) AS Jan,

      SUM(CASE WHEN MONTH(invoice_date) = 2

                THEN ISNULL(qty,0)

                ELSE 0

              END) AS Feb



     GROUP BY product, YEAR(invoiceDate)) Agg

    WHERE Agg.product = #Sales.Product AND Agg.yr = #Sales.Year

    If all your products are in sales_det then you don't need the initial  INSERT into #sales (product) ...

    and you can just create the table then

    INSERT INTO #Sales (Product, Year, sqty, Jan, Feb)



      YEAR(invoice_date) AS yr,

      SUM(qty) AS qty,

      SUM(CASE WHEN MONTH(invoice_date) = 1

                THEN ISNULL(qty,0)

                ELSE 0

              END) AS Jan,

      SUM(CASE WHEN MONTH(invoice_date) = 2

                THEN ISNULL(qty,0)

                ELSE 0

              END) AS Feb



     GROUP BY product, YEAR(invoiceDate)

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • Actually, come to think of it, the initial insert that you do to insert all the products is unnecessary. If there's a possibility that there will be products in Product_Forcast that aren't in Sales_det, use this.

    INSERT INTO #Sales (Product, Year, sqty, Jan, Feb)



      YEAR(invoice_date) AS yr,

      SUM(qty) AS qty,

      SUM(CASE WHEN MONTH(invoice_date) = 1

                THEN ISNULL(qty,0)

                ELSE 0

              END) AS Jan,

      SUM(CASE WHEN MONTH(invoice_date) = 2

                THEN ISNULL(qty,0)

                ELSE 0

              END) AS Feb


           dbo.product_forecast pf LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.sales_det ON pf.Product=Sales_det.Product

     GROUP BY pf.product, YEAR(invoiceDate)

    The left outer join will ensure that you get all products in product_forecast and matching sales values, where they exist.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass

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