Unable to configure log shipping

  • Greetings, I am attempting to set up log shipping. I went through the steps to create the maintenance plan and it failed the first time due to an error. I corrected the error and upon rerunningthe plan it faile with Error 14261 The specified primary_server_name.primary_database_name already exists. I found a bug note/workaround at Mircrosoft support and the workaround is to run the following stored procedures;





    I have run these procedures on the primary server but the sp_delete_log_shipping_plan and the sp_remove_log_shipping_monitor don't appear to exist on the standby server. I did run the other two on the standby server. After running the procedures I still encounter the 14261 error. I am at a loss and would appreciate any suggestions. Thanks.

  • The problem is resolved. I had upgraded the standby server from standard to enterprise edition and it turns out when that is done some log_ship* tables are not created. See microsoft KB295306. Thanks.

  • http://support.microsoft.com/kb/314515/EN-US/

    Frequently asked questions - SQL Server 2000 - Log shipping

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