email query results

  • I am building a query that will send 70 emails to users. The content of the email will be from another query that is filtered by the recipients department.

    Currently I am held up with trying to figure out how to get multiple fields into a variable.

    Works fine with one column:

    select @body1=@body1 + char(10) + lastname from tblstaff


    As soon as I add a second column it gives me the error:

    A SELECT statement that assigns a value to a variable must not be combined with data-retrieval operations.

    select @body1=@body1 + char(10) + firstname, lastname from tblstaff 


    Obviously the error msg is telling me that I can't do it this way and maybe the fact that one column is working is just luck ? How can I assign a result set with multiple columns to a variable?






  • select @body1=@body1 + char(10) + firstname, lastname from tblstaff 

    You are assining a value to varaible @body1. What are you trying to do with lastname.

    Query should be

    select @body1=@body1 + char(10) + firstname + ' ' + lastname from tblstaff 


  • This is how you can resolve your problem

    declare @body1 varchar(100)

    set @body1 = 'Welcome..'

    select top 1 @body1=@body1 + char(10) + au_lname  from pubs..authors

    select @body1

    select top 1 @body1=@body1 + char(10) + au_fname  from pubs..authors

    select @body1


    Welcome.. Bin

    Welcome.. Bin  Cheryl

    Kindest Regards,

    Sameer Raval [Sql Server DBA]
    Geico Insurance

  • Original poster asked to have multiple fields not multiple values of fname. There is no need to make multiple selects. It will work fine with

    select @body1=@body1 + char(10) + firstname + ' ' + lastname + char(10) + CONVERT(VARCHAR, OtherCol1) from tblstaff WHERE Criteria.


  • Thanks Govinn that was exactly what I was looking for. I didn't think of the doing it that way but it's perfect.




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