Transactional Replication

  • Hi there,

    One of users have made a mistake and put some data in the wrong place: in subscription database. The correct way was to put data in the subscriber database and so, to replicate to the other databases subscription. Is there a way to move data in the subscriber database with exactly same information? A solution is to drop constraints, make changes and add constraints again. Is there a simplest solution?

    In Theory, theory and practice are the same...In practice, they are not.
  • Sorin Petcu (12/13/2007)

    Hi there,

    One of users have made a mistake and put some data in the wrong place: in subscription database. The correct way was to put data in the publisher database and so, to replicate to the other databases subscription. Is there a way to move data in the publisher database with exactly same information? A solution is to drop constraints, make changes and add constraints again. Is there a simplest solution?

    I hope the corrections are ok. If yes, then why should you drop any constraint? You should remove the record from the subscriber and put it to the publisher. Of course if there's an identity column or similar then you're in trouble but in that case the identity value given on the subscriber is already used on the publisher... So if you could explain it a bit more, it would be easier to answer - at least for me.

  • I couldn't delete the records due to constraints. And there is a lot of constraints (about 80 FKs). Anyway, I followed the solution with uncheck constraints - done operations of inserts on publisher and deletes on subscription - check constraints. And all the world is happy now. 🙂

    In Theory, theory and practice are the same...In practice, they are not.

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