What else can I use??

  • My web host provides me with sql server in my hosting package however I have no way of viewing the tables and stores procedures I use so I'm looking for a user interface product I can use in conjunction with this Sql Server (i.e. Enterprise Manager).

    Now, I could be wrong, but I believe Enterprise Manager is only provided with the purchase of the full ms sql server package and is not sold as a standalone product.  Is this correct?

    So I have 2 questions.  One, am I right about the Enterprise Manager?  Can I not purchase it separately and use it to view the sql server database on my web site?

    And two, if I can't use Enterprise Manager, can anyone recomend a good product that would work for me in this situation?

    Thanks in advance.


  • Can't answer the licensing question, but there are other tools.

    Check out TOAD for Sql Server (Freeware):



  • Is MS access installed on the server??

    If so you can create and Access Data Project.

    Open access, in the file menu hit Create a new database, then under the general tab select the third option "Project (existing database). Then you'll be promted to save the file on the HD. After you save the file the datalink wizard will pop up. Select the server and database you need to connect to and provide the login info. You're ADP is now live and connected to the server. You can then browse the info of the tables, views, sps and diagrams. It's now as good as EM but you should be able to do pretty much everything you need in there.

  • Actually, I'd personally prefer to work with access however I know both customers and employees will be utilizing this database in great numbers simultaneously and I know the content of this database is going to grow substantially in very little time and my fear was that access would break.

    I don't know.  What do you guys think.  Lets say there were 40 people trying to use this database simultaneously.  Would ms access crash?  If not, overall, would access be a viable option or considering the amount of users and data being stored, is it still best to go with sql server?

    thanks again.


  • I'm not talking about switching from SQL server to MS.

    I'm saying that you can use MS access to connect to sql server and use MS access as the EM of sql server. You can do pretty much every basic task with access that you can do in EM.

  • 1) Yes, you cannot buy EM or QA separately. You can however buy Personal edition. I think both are included there and it's only about $50 or so.

    2) myLittleAdmin (some $500) or this http://www.yohz.com/

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    Webmaster: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs
    My blog: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs/frankkalis/[/url]

  • I think the only licensing issue you have is whether you are licensed to access the SQL instance on the host server.  I don't think there is a problem with you installing the SQL Server management tools (Enterprise Manager, Query Analyzer, ...) on your local machine.  All you gotta do is find a source for the tools.  I'd check with your Web host.


  • Microsoft also provide a basic SQL Admin program thats web based. It's not as feature-rich as EM though



    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

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