Can I change publication row filters without resyncing the subscribers?

  • If I have a publication that publishes rows from a certain date on, and I want to change the date, will I mess up my subscribers?

    Note that I don't want to lose the earlier records, I just want any new subscribers to get initial snapshots using the later date.


  • I think that if you change the filter through Enterprise Manager, then it will flag your publication to genereate a new snapshot, and you'll lose your original data at the subscriber.  My workaround for this kind of thing  (including removing articles & changing table schemas) is to:

    1) Script out the CREATE Publication and the DROP publication commands to text files.

    2) Run just the portion of the DROP publication that had to do with the table being filtered (TableA).

    3)  Change your CREATE script to have the new filter requirements, and then run just the portion of the CREATE Publication dealing with TableA.

    You might want to keep some sort of record of the original filter in case you need to start from scratch some day so you can get the "old" data as well as the New data.

    Also, I would set up a little test replication scenario before you try it. I have a couple of dummy databases & tables I use to experiment.

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  • Well that looks pretty simple in comparison, but is it only for Merge Replication ?    BOL says: "Changes some merge filter properties. The merge filter properties that can be changed include filtername and join_filterclause. "

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