Do not allow insert if record exists with certain condition

  • What is the best way to do this?

    Query 1 would not insert since AcctNo "aaa"

    exists with a Code "x"

    Query 2 would insert since AcctNo "bbb"

    exists, but not with a Code "x"


    AcctNo Code

    aaa x

    aaa z

    bbb z

    Query 1:


    (AcctNo, Code)


    'aaa', 'y'

    WHERE ??? MyTable.Code does not have a record = 'x'

    Query 2:


    (AcctNo, Code)


    'bbb', 'y'

    WHERE ??? MyTable.Code does not have a record = 'x'


  • This works, probably not best way to do this?  Any suggestions would be appreciated.

    INSERT INTO InsertIfNoMatch

    (AcctNo, Code)


    AcctNo, Code

    FROM InsertIfNoMatch_DATA

    WHERE AcctNo <>

    (SELECT AcctNo FROM InsertIfNoMatch

     WHERE Code = 'z'

     AND AcctNo = InsertIfNoMatch.AcctNo)


  • Well it worked until I got more than a record or so in it.  Knew it looked ugly, lol.


    Server: Msg 512, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression.

    The statement has been terminated.

  • IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE AcctNo = 'aaa' and code = 'x')

     INSERT INTO MyTable

     (AcctNo, Code)


     'aaa', 'y'

    IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE AcctNo = 'bbb' and code = 'x')

     INSERT INTO MyTable

     (AcctNo, Code)


     'bbb', 'y'

    N 56°04'39.16"
    E 12°55'05.25"

  • Set a unique index on those columns, and SQL Server will not allow duplicate values. If this column is the primary key, define it as such and SQL Server will enforce uniqueness. Your other choice is to create a stored procedure that checks to see if it exists, and inserts or updates depending on what is found. You could also do this with a Check constraint, but the stored proc method is the best by far.

  • declare @AcctNo varchar(10),@Code varchar(1)

    set @AcctNo='aaa'

    set @Code='y'

    if not exists (select AcctNo,Code from myTable where AcctNo=@AcctNo and Code<>'x')

     insert into MyTable (AcctNo,Code) values (@AcctNo,@Code)

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