
  • Hi,

    I need help to flag a field (1/0 or true/False) in sql table based on the highest rank/ version in different column.

    Here is the example:

    Create table TestRank

    (Field1 varchar(30),

    Field2 varchar (30) )

    Insert into TestRank (Field1, Field2)

    Values ('Item1.1', '4.5')

    Insert into TestRank (Field1, Field2)

    Values ('Item1.2', '5.5')

    Insert into TestRank (Field1, Field2)

    Values ('Item2.1', '4.5')

    Insert into TestRank (Field1, Field2)

    Values ('Item2.2', '4')

    I need to add a 3rd field (data type as Bit) and the expected result should be as below:

    Field1 Field2 Field3

    Item1.1 4.5 0

    Item1.2 5.5 1

    Item2.1 4.5 1

    Item2.2 4 0

    Note: Item1.1 and Item1.2 (in Field1)are of same category with different versions i.e 4.5 and 5.5 as given in Field2. Field3 is the Ranking. Item2.1 has the value ‘1’ in Field3 since it has higher value than item2.2

    I am using SQL 2005.


  • One way of doing it is to create a user defined function that checks for each record if it has the highest value in filed2 according to field1. Then you can create a computed column and base it on the output of the user defined function. Here is a small example:

    create function RankRow (@field1 varchar(30), @field2 varchar(30))

    returns tinyint



    declare @Res tinyint

    if exists (select *

    from TestRank

    where Field2 > @field2 and


    set @Res = 0


    set @Res = 1




    alter table TestRank add IsMax as dbo.RankRow(Field1, Field2)


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  • Depends on the requirement. Adi's solutions is a good way to have a online ranking. If you just need this statement once you can also use the RANK function:



    Field1 varchar(30),

    Field2 varchar (30),

    Field3 BIT


    INSERT INTO @TestRank (Field1, Field2)

    SELECT 'Item1.1', '4.5'

    UNION ALL SELECT 'Item1.2', '5.5'

    UNION ALL SELECT 'Item2.1', '4.5'

    UNION ALL SELECT 'Item2.2', '4'

    ; WITH

    cte (VersionRank, Field3) AS



    RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY LEFT(Field1, CHARINDEX('.', Field1, 1)) ORDER BY Field2 DESC),


    FROM @TestRank


    UPDATE cte SET Field3 = CASE WHEN VersionRank = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END

    SELECT * FROM @TestRank



  • Thanks you both. Adi's suggestion worked for me.

  • select field1 ,field2 ,(case when (rank() over (partition by LEFT(Field1, CHARINDEX('.', Field1, 1)) order by Field2 desc))=1 then 1

    else 0 end)

    from #TestRank

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