Subquery Totals

  • Hi,

    I use the following query in my stats page to find the unique visitors and the pages they visited per day in a given month.


    CONVERT(CHAR(10),LogDate,103) As Date_,

    Count(DISTINCT LogRemote_Addr) As Visitors,

    Count(Lid) As Pages

    FROM Log

    WHERE LogMonth=7

    Group by CONVERT(CHAR(10),LogDate,103)

    ORDER BY CONVERT(CHAR(10),LogDate,103)

    I would like to calculate the totals (Sum) of the "Visitors" and "Pages" also for the given month.

    I think I have to use a subquery to accomplish that but I can't figure it out. I would appreciate your help.

    Below is an example output to be more clear.

    I have the following fileds in a table.

    LogDate = date of visit

    LogRemoteAddr = ip of the visitor

    Lid = a common id (autonumber)

    The example

    Lid LogDate LogRemoteAdd

    1 15/7/2007

    2 15/7/2007

    3 15/7/2007

    4 16/7/2007

    5 16/7/2007

    6 17/7/2007

    This set according to my query will produce.

    Date Visitors Pages

    15/7/2007 2 3

    16/7/2007 2 2

    17/7/2007 1 1

    I would like to take the Sum of Visitors and Pages which is to 5 and 6 correlatively.

    Thanks for your help.

  • Maybe the answer is a creation of a temporary table with the fields "Visitors", "Pages" and then call it from a simple Select statement with SUM.

    Any help.??

  • It wouldn't be a "sum"... it would still be a COUNT except it wouldn't be DISTINCT.  And, because you are not counting DISTINCT LID's, you already have the sum of pages.  So, try this... (of course, I have no idea what the Lid column contains 'cuz you didn't post that in your example, so this might not be right)

     SELECT CONVERT(CHAR(10),LogDate,103) As Date_,

            COUNT(DISTINCT LogRemote_Addr) As Visitors,

            COUNT(DISTINCT Lid) As Pages

            COUNT(LogRemote_Addr) As TotalVisitors,

            COUNT(Lid) As TotalPages

       FROM Log

      WHERE LogMonth = 7

      GROUP BY CONVERT(CHAR(10),LogDate,103)

      ORDER BY CONVERT(CHAR(10),LogDate,103)

    Also (just curious), what are you going to do with LogMonth = 7 when you have more than 1 year of data stored in the table?

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.
    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

    Helpful Links:
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    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)
    Intro to Tally Tables and Functions

  • Hi,

    Lid is the recodrs of the database.

    I have the sum of pages BUT only by grouping the dates.

    I want to have the monthly totals which can be the Sum of the visitors and pages counts.

    I hope you understand.

    I believe that first I have to create a temp table to store the Visitors and Pages per day and then with a simple Sum function I can count the totals. What u think?


  • Is this what you need


    select logmonth,logyear,count(logremote_addr) as visitors,sum(pages) as sumpages from

    (select month(logdate) as logmonth, year(logdate) as logyear,logremote_addr,count(lid) as pages from log

    group by

    month(logdate), year(logdate) ,logremote_addr) pagespervisitor

    group by logmonth,logyear

    order by logyear,logmonth



    7 2007 4 6

  • Just make the existing query into a derived table and take the sums from that:

    select sum(Visitors) as VisitorCount, sum(Pages) as PageCount 
    from (
        SELECT CONVERT(CHAR(10),LogDate,103) As Date_,
            Count(DISTINCT LogRemote_Addr) As Visitors,
            Count(Lid) As Pages
        FROM Log
        WHERE LogMonth = 7
    ) as Der
    Group by Date_
    ORDER BY Date_

    Tomm Carr
    Version Normal Form --

  • Tomm,

    when I ran yours it didn't work because there was no group by in the derived table and when I added a group by on the date it returned the same results as the original query.


    In mine I failed to notice that the guy who visited on seperate days should be counted twice.

    Here is the fix

    select logmonth,logyear,count(logremote_addr) as visitors,sum(pages) as sumpages from

    (select day(logdate) as logday,month(logdate) as logmonth, year(logdate) as logyear,logremote_addr,count(lid) as pages from log

    group by

     day(logdate),month(logdate), year(logdate) ,logremote_addr) pagespervisitor

    group by logmonth,logyear

    order by logyear,logmonth



    logmonth logyear vistors sumpages

    7 2007 5 6



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