VS .NET 2003 developing of SQL Server 2005 db

  • Hi all.

    Please help me out.

    I installed SQL Server 2005 Express ed. with Advanced Services and made a simple sql db, with a table Stores and columns: StoreID int NOT NULL PK, StoreName varchar (50) NULL, StoreAdress varchar (40) NOT NULL, StoreCity varchar (25) NOT NULL. The only thing is that I set a colation to be CYRILIC_CI_AS

    I also installed VS .NET 2003, and made new project based on sql db.

    At first I made new Crystal Report called rptStores.rpt with OLE Connection to my Server. I just followed a wizard to create report.

    Next, I created new form called frmStores and put on it CrystalReport Viewer Control from Toolbox. Dock Property I set on Fill, and on Report Source I clicked for Browse to find it on my system.

    On the main and Startup form for my project, which I called frmMain I put a button with a following code for event OnClick

    Dim Form As New frmStores


    I press F5 to debug and it worked. frmMain opened in run Environment, and when I clicked button on screen I could see frmStores with data from Report. But, instead of correct viewing Cyrillic characters all I see is lots of ???????.

    Please help me out

  • This problem is solved with Advanced Save as in VS2005 that is you save your code as Cryillic because Cryillic is not easy to localize.  There is a work around solution in the link below for VS2003, if that did not solve your problem you need to download the VWD(visual web developer) it is free like the SQL Server express but it does not include Crystal Report but the SQL Server Express Advanced comes with the Tool Kit which is the Express version of reporting services. You can download the VWD in the second link and the Express Advanced Tool Kit in the last link.  Hope this helps.




    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

  • At first thanks for your reply.

    Then, I'm creating Windows and not Web (ASP) application. Next I don't have Advanced Save, as suggested in ASP article. When I used JET 4.0 Provider for MS Access Database, Crystal Report worked just fine - I could see all fields and records in my Crystal Reports, even if it was also with Cyrilic collation (with cyrilic characters) in it. Font was Times New Roman. One friend suggested that I should go to Control Panel, Regional and Languages Options and set Regional Option to Serbian (Cyrilic). I did that but there wasn't any result.

    On File menu of VS 2003, I have Save, Save All, and Save As, but i am disabled to click on Save As... I don't know why.

    Thanks anyway

  • In the same link for the VWD you can download the VB Express it is free and use it with the Tool kit to develop SQL Server Reports, all you need is the ReportViewer control a separate download that is also free. The Advanced Save As option being disabled could be related to edition but in 2005 I think you have that option in all the language Express and VWD.  If you cannot use VB Express you could try saving your code with Notepad and choose Unicode.  Try the link below for the Report Viewer control with code samples.  Hope this helps.


    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

  • Thanks, Gift.

    I already installed VB Express, and downloaded ReportViewer Control from Microsoft site.

    I solved my problem in this way. I went to Control Panel, Regional and Languages Options, and on a tab Advanced I have chosen Serbian (Cyrilic) keyboard settings. It certainly worked, I got my Crystal Report with cyrilic characters.

    Thanks, anyway, especially for the ASP.NET link, cause I want to create some web projects

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