Cross Joins

  • How can I avoid a cross join for the following query?

    SELECT a.Week, a.StartDate,

    CASE WHEN purchasedate BETWEEN a.startdate AND a.nextdate THEN 'Yes' ELSE 'No' END AS [Purchase Done]

    FROM dbo.tblPurchase CROSS JOIN

    (SELECT number AS Week, DATEADD(wk, number, DATEADD(DD, 1 - DATEPART(DW, '08-Jan-09'), '08-Jan-09')) AS StartDate, DATEADD(wk,

    number + 1, DATEADD(DD, 1 - DATEPART(DW, '08-Jan-09'), '08-Jan-09')) AS NextDate

    FROM master.dbo.spt_values AS v

    WHERE (type = 'P') AND (number BETWEEN 0 AND 51)) AS a

    All I am trying to get is, for all the weeks starting on Mondays, I am trying to figure out if a purchase has been made during that week.

    The outer query returns the week numbers and start week of the dates for this year.

    But since it is a cross join, it is returning a cartesian product and I just want week numbers, week start date and whether or not a purchase has been made.

    The output should be something like

    Week # Week Start Purchase Done

    1 05/01 Yes

    2 12/01 No

    3 19/01 Yes

    and so on....

    Thanks for your time.

  • Please provide table structure, sample data and expected result set based on the sample as described in the link in my signature.

    Reason: It looks like you don't need the cross join at all.

    Basis idea: using a CTE/subquery with the Group By function on your table dbo.tblPurchase to get the weeks where a purchase has been made and do an right outer join to a calendar table. If you don't have a calendar table by now you might want to look into it. It also could be created on the fly within the CTE, if this query is not heavily used.

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  • Didn't realize this was so old. Saw the link on an article in today's newsletter and assumed it was current.

    It seems like your condition using BETWEEN is incorrect and the test should be

    purchaseDate >= a.StartDate And puchaseDate < a.NextDate

    That being said, here are three different options that should get you started:

    The most straightforward approach is to do a subquery in the CASE

    Select a.Week,

    Cast(StartDate as Date),


    When Exists(

    Select *

    From (


    ( '1/6/2009' ),

    ( '1/25/2009' ),

    ( '1/26/2009' ),

    ( '2/1/2009' ),

    ( '2/9/2009' ),

    ( '3/2/2009' )

    ) as tblPurch( purchaseDate )

    Where purchaseDate >= a.StartDate and purchaseDate < a.NextDate )

    Then 'Yes'

    Else 'No'

    End as PurchaseDone

    From (

    SELECT number AS Week,

    DATEADD(wk, number, DATEADD(DD, 1 - DATEPART(DW, '08-Jan-09'), '08-Jan-09')) AS StartDate,

    DATEADD(wk, number + 1, DATEADD(DD, 1 - DATEPART(DW, '08-Jan-09'), '08-Jan-09')) AS NextDate

    FROM master.dbo.spt_values AS v

    WHERE (type = 'P')

    AND (number BETWEEN 0 AND 51)

    ) AS a

    This version requires an aggregate to Count the number of purchase dates within each week.

    Select a.Week,

    Cast(StartDate as Date),


    When Count( purchaseDate ) > 0

    Then 'Yes'

    Else 'No'

    End as PurchaseDone

    From (

    SELECT number AS Week,

    DATEADD(wk, number, DATEADD(DD, 1 - DATEPART(DW, '08-Jan-09'), '08-Jan-09')) AS StartDate,

    DATEADD(wk, number + 1, DATEADD(DD, 1 - DATEPART(DW, '08-Jan-09'), '08-Jan-09')) AS NextDate

    FROM master.dbo.spt_values AS v

    WHERE (type = 'P')

    AND (number BETWEEN 0 AND 51)

    ) AS a


    Join (

    Select purchaseDate

    From (


    ( '1/6/2009' ),

    ( '1/25/2009' ),

    ( '1/26/2009' ),

    ( '2/1/2009' ),

    ( '2/9/2009' ),

    ( '3/2/2009' )

    ) as tblPurch( purchaseDate )

    ) t2

    On purchaseDate > = a.StartDate and purchaseDate < a.NextDate


    By a.Week,


    Finally, you can convert each purchase date to a given day in the week that it falls in. This code uses the first day

    which better exposed the issue of the match criteria.

    Select a.Week,

    Cast(StartDate as Date),


    When t1.WeekStart is not null

    Then 'Yes'

    Else 'No'

    End as PurchaseDone

    From (

    SELECT number AS Week,

    DATEADD(wk, number, DATEADD(DD, 1 - DATEPART(DW, '08-Jan-09'), '08-Jan-09')) AS StartDate,

    DATEADD(wk, number + 1, DATEADD(DD, 1 - DATEPART(DW, '08-Jan-09'), '08-Jan-09')) AS NextDate

    FROM master.dbo.spt_values AS v

    WHERE (type = 'P')

    AND (number BETWEEN 0 AND 51)

    ) AS a


    Join (

    Select Distinct

    DateAdd( dd, -1 * (DatePart( weekday, purchaseDate ) - 1), purchaseDate ) WeekStart

    From (


    ( '1/6/2009' ),

    ( '1/25/2009' ),

    ( '1/26/2009' ),

    ( '2/1/2009' ),

    ( '2/9/2009' ),

    ( '3/2/2009' )

    ) as tblPurch( purchaseDate )


    On t1.WeekStart >= a.StartDate and t1.WeekStart < a.NextDate

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