add count for duplicates

  • I have a table of names and addresses, there are some people with the same address i also have a field with their earnings.

    How do i get a list of all the people who have a household earnings of a certain amount

    ie if there is one person at the addess its 30k, if there are 2 people then its 60k etc.

    i thought about adding a column which gives a count for the number of people at that address, but not sure if thats the right way to do it.




  • are these "people" the same person - meaning is it husband & wife; people sharing an apmt - or just the same person with more than one job ?!

    Is there an address ID somewhere that could be linked to ?!

    could you post the ddl of the table with some sample data ?!

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

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