Zip Codes

  • We have some software that updates our zip-codes regularly.  It is expensive and cumbersome.  Does anyone know about how often zip codes change or added?  We only care about the first 5 digits.  the back 4 we do not use.

  • I know this is kind of a goofy question and I know I can download from USPS.  I have a table with all the data for the first 5.   I just don't think the first five will really change.  It is the last 4 and we do not use that.


    There's some pretty good info there regarding monthly changes. I'd suggest posing your question directly to the email address at the USPS for a definitive answer based on the granularity of your question.

    RegardsRudy KomacsarSenior Database Administrator"Ave Caesar! - Morituri te salutamus."

  • Zip codes change frequently. If you need current zip code information for the entire country, then you will have to run regular updates based on data from USPS or a 3rd party provider.

  • We get quarterly updates for a couple of hundred dollars a year. Using DTS and some scripting we can automate that without too much trouble. Now if you're in Canada, I can see where getting Postal Code updates may be a little more troublesome. 🙂 Not sure where we get it from, but they offer a CSV download for us quarterly that we just download, unzip, and process. Keeps us reasonably up to date.

  • If you have a chance will you tell me the vendor?

  • I support the addresses for our county and we have added zip codes twice in the last 10 years, once because an community wanted their own zip code separate from the major city and another time because a city grew so much that it needed two zip codes.

    Do you do any mass mailings?  If so, your "expensive" software that updates your zip-codes regularly could save you money by getting lower postal rates.  Check with USPS.


  • I think we're using the product from

    If I'm not mistaken, we get the Zip+4 Premium or the Zip Commercial - quarterly updates. Zip+4 runs ~ $400/year with quarterly updates. Zip Commercial runs ~ $80/year with quarterly updates (subject to change, of course).

    It's pretty easy to import into a database. The versions I listed should both have a flag indicating the primary city name associated with a zip code along with other possible names, lat/long, some other information. Mostly we use as a lookup for City/State by typing Zip first, but there is more available if you need it.

  • Hey thanks for the info.  We are currently paying 3K quaterly so that should make the boss very happy

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