Alternate Receipts

  • We have a contribution table where people information are input when they contribute... Some people pay every month while there are people who pay contribute once a while. Say when I put a certain month, I should be able to tell all the people that contributed that month and did not contribute the previous month. I do not know the starting point... and I should be able to pull this information for any month of any year; however, if it is not possible I should at least pull for couple of years. Do you think any of you here have worked on something like this and may be help me with this query. I need to create report for them.


    Ex: Say If I put January 2006, I should be able to get all the people from the table who paid in January and did not pay in February.

    Thanks in advance for the help.

  • We need a little more information on how your contribution table looks.

    create table #Contribution (pk int identity, Contributorid int,

    Amount money, ContributionDate datetime)

    insert into #Contribution

    select 1, 100, '1/01/2005' union

    select 1, 100, '2/01/2005' union

    select 1, 100, '3/01/2005' union

    select 2, 100, '1/01/2005' union

    select 2, 100, '3/01/2005' union

    select 3, 100, '2/01/2005' union

    select 3, 100, '3/01/2005'

    select *

    from #Contribution

    pk Contributor  Amount      ContributionDate

    1 1         100.0000 2005-01-01

    2 1         100.0000 2005-02-01

    3 1         100.0000 2005-03-01

    4 2         100.0000 2005-01-01

    5 2         100.0000 2005-03-01

    6 3         100.0000 2005-02-01

    7   3         100.0000 2005-03-01

    -- Contributor 2 contributed in Jan, but not in Feb

    select *

    from #Contribution A

    where datepart(mm,ContributionDate) = 1

      and not exists (select *

                     from #Contribution B

                     where datepart(mm,ContributionDate) = 2

                     and A.Contributorid = b.Contributorid)


    pk Contributor  Amount      ContributionDate

    4 2         100.0000 2005-01-01


  • Thanks for the help.

    The contribution table as contrib_id (primary key, individual_ID, date, amount...etc.

    contrib_id   ind_id amount  date

    1238          5562   20.05   12/03/2005

    1299          5569    10.25   01/05/2006

    1310          5562    20.25   01/05/2006


    So one ind_id can be in every month or any months depending on when they contributed. I should be able to pull ids when I put month, those peole should have contributed that month and not the previous month.

  • There ya go, modify the query I gave you and it will work.

  • Thanks a lot Ray. It works for sure.

  • What if the month and years are spread to 10 years? Do we have to write bunch of Case statements or there is way to calculate alternates for any length of time for this report? Thanks in advance for the help.

  • No one please

  • I mean anyone... thanks

  • Using Ray's table definition, try this:

    select distinct A.*

    from #Contribution A

    left join #Contribution B

    on A.Contributorid = B.Contributorid

    and datediff(mm, '1900', B.ContributionDate) = datediff(mm, '1900', A.ContributionDate) + 1

    where B.ContributorId is null

  • This is the query I got for Month = January 2006... Now how can I use your last query. please suggest Ray. Thanks again for your big time help.

    select Ind_id as [Individual ID], firstname as [First Name], lastname as [Last Name], occupat

    as Title from individual1

    where ind_id in


    select distinct payer_fk from contribution1 c

     where ((datepart(mm, = 1) and (datepart(yyyy, = '2006'))

     and payer_fk not in


        select payer_fk from

         contribution1 where

         ((datepart(mm, date) = 12) and

         (datepart(yyyy, date) = '2005' ))

         and delete_mark = 0

         and subtype_fk <> 'check'

         and amount > 0


      and  c.delete_mark = 0

      and  c.subtype_fk <> 'check'

      and  c.amount > 0


  • Jasper Thanks for your help.... I did not realize earlier it was you who replied.

  • Never mind, I guess you still need help Try this query:


      Ind_id as [Individual ID],

      firstname as [First Name],

      lastname as [Last Name],

      occupat as Title

    from individual1

    where ind_id in


      select A.payer_fk

      from contribution1 A

      left join contribution1 B


            B.payer_fk = A.payer_fk

        and B.delete_mark = 0

        and B.subtype_fk <> 'check'

        and B.amount > 0

        and datediff(mm, '1900', = datediff(mm, '1900', + 1


            A.delete_mark = 0

        and A.subtype_fk <> 'check'

        and A.amount > 0

        and B.payer_fk is null

    ) --

  • Thanks Jasper This seems like does the rite thing... I am sorry I am a new developer therefore I need help. This query I think pulls for the entire contribution1 table. How can I use this so that I can use a parameter say month and year that gives this ADD-Report for only that month. Like I said earlier, If I put 02 2006 it should give all the people that contributed in February and not in January 2006. Thanks again for your help.

  • Is this what you are looking for?


      Ind_id as [Individual ID],

      firstname as [First Name],

      lastname as [Last Name],

      occupat as Title

    from individual1

    where ind_id in


      select A.payer_fk

      from contribution1 A

      left join contribution1 B


            B.payer_fk = A.payer_fk

        and B.delete_mark = 0

        and B.subtype_fk <> 'check'

        and B.amount > 0

        and datediff(mm, '1900', = datediff(mm, '1900', + 1


            A.delete_mark = 0

        and A.subtype_fk <> 'check'

        and A.amount > 0

        and B.payer_fk is null

        and datepart(mm, = @month and datepart(yyyy, = @year

    ) --




    You should use (Not Exists) predicate

    for satisfying two or more conditions.


    You can use (IN) Predicate.




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