Merge Replication SnapShot Issues I/O errors

  • HI ,

    When i run my merge replication snapshot agent i am getting 'I/O error while writing BCP data-file', which is normally due to disk space. I have over 73GB of space on my drive and by looking at sp_spaceused my table has reserved space of 73153192 KB(about 71GB) and data of 66632600 KB(about 65GB). Does anyone know which one of these values the merge snapshot agent will use to build up the bcp file. Also, is there other files that get created when the snapshot agent runs. I am running the snapshot file on my subscribing box and not the distribution box(there is not enough space) will this cause any issues with the BCP file being very large.

    Also is there an upper limit to the size of the file that can be used in the snap shot?

    The snap shot now always fails and it looks like there should be enough space to hold it, this has worked before but now has failed.

    Any help is appreciated



  • I assume you are just replicating one table. There are other files created with the snapshot, but they would take up very little space. One option would be to compress the snapshot files. Take a look at the Snapshot Location tab in the properties.

  • Yes it is just one table i am replicating the other tables are in transcational publications and i dont need to snapshot them. I havent tried compressing the files yet but it may well be an option to try

    Cheers for your input

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