Pivot Table

  • Hey All,

    I've given several replies to my friends from this forum, that's the time to help me .. hehehehe!!

    The point is, I have a table with a code identity, name and datetime tracking field..

    The current Example is:

    id name Date

    1 John 12/06/2010 06:00

    2 John 12/06/2010 12:00

    3 John 12/06/2010 13:00

    4 John 12/06/2010 18:00

    5 John 13/06/2010 06:00

    6 John 13/06/2010 14:00

    ----Missing time

    7 John 13/06/2010 18:00

    I want to separate just four columns according to the same date, in the example below, columns within june,12, after columns within June,13 and so on .....

    It sounds simple, but the problem is, in the example of June,13 I have just three trackings, it's missing one ... how can I build my pivot filling this blank....

    I want this!!

    id name Date1 date2 date3 date4

    1 John 12/06/2010 06:00 12/06/2010 12:00 12/06/2010 13:00 12/06/2010 18:00

    2 John 13/06/2010 06:00 13/06/2010 14:00 NULL 13/06/2010 18:00

    Can anyone help me??

    Many thanks!!

  • 1. How do you determine that it's missing, and that it belongs there?

    2. You might want to read the article in the first link in my signature. Doing what it suggests will help you get answers faster.

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

    If you can't explain to another person how the code that you're copying from the internet works, then DON'T USE IT on a production system! After all, you will be the one supporting it!
    For better assistance in answering your questions
    Performance Problems
    Common date/time routines
    Understanding and Using APPLY Part 1 & Part 2

  • Assuming that you have access to the names from a separate table, and that the times are static, e.g. if there's a time in the morning, it will always be at 6:00 then this will be done automatically by the pivot operator.


    Here's an example fragment from a report I recently worked on:

    SELECT *

    FROM (SELECT p.sequenceStart, d.data, d.sequenceNumber - p.sequenceStart+1 AS rowNumber

    FROM pages p

    LEFT JOIN data d ON rg.sequenceNumber >= p.sequenceStart

    AND p.sequenceStart + 5 > rg.sequenceNumber

    ) r

    PIVOT (


    FOR r.rowNumber IN ([1], [2], [3], [4], [5]))

    ) AS wr

    In that case pages and data were CTEs that I used to stage the data in a format I could use. In particular, the sequence number was a key for the datavalue, so I used max to return the unaltered data.

    You can't use a datetime value as a pivot column natively, so I'd suggest using the hour as the column, and the date value as the data.

    I hope that helps...

    Dan Guzman - Not the MVP (7/22/2010)
    All questions have to be prefaced by Server version and 'according to MS Docs' or 'my own personal opinion based on how much detail I felt like digging into at the time.'

  • I second Wayne: there is nothing provided to support the missing row needs to be between 6 and 7. It could be between 5 and 6, too (assuming the time will always be limited to be between 06:00 and 18:00).

    Therefore, it's impossible to define where to place the NULL value.

    Once this issue is resolved I would use the CrossTab approach referenced in my signature, probably together with ROW_NUMBER() to name the four columns.

    A pessimist is an optimist with experience.

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