Slow to write records to database - can you tell me why?

  • Hi guys I have the following stored procecure

    ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[InsertJobLog]

    -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here

    @Action nvarchar(5),

    @JobID nvarchar(255),

    @SPName nvarchar(255)



    set nocount on

    if @Action = 'Start'


    INSERT INTO JobLog (ParentJobID,StoredProcedureName,StartDatetime) VALUES(@JobID,@SPName,getdate())

    --select @@identity


    else begin

    update joblog set enddatetime = getdate() where jobID = @jobID


    set nocount off


    Which writes a record to a log file with the start time (or end time if the action is not Start)

    I use it like this in stored procedures

    DECLARE @JobID int

    EXEC dbo.insertjoblog

    @Action = N'Start',

    @JobID = @MasterJobID,

    @SPName = 'BSC_Update_Ethnicity'


    ... do some stuff ...

    EXEC dbo.insertjoblog

    @Action = N'End',

    @JobID = @JobID,

    @SPName = 'BSC_Update_Ethnicity'

    The Master Job ID is passed in as a parameter to the stored procedure and identifies the starting script.

    This is taking anything up to three seconds from the time the script is executed to the time the record is written to the database - any idea why it should take so long - other database updates seem to happen with no delay.

    Running SQL2000 on a Win2003 32 bit server - don't know the other specs.

  • Is the jobid indexes?

    Do you have triggers?

    Do you have a ton of indexes on that table?

    Do you have lots of fks (or any of them NOT indexed correctly)?

    Waitfor in the code? (yes I've heard of this in prod)

    I could answer those if you posted the actual execution plan.

  • CREATE TABLE [dbo].[JobLog](

    [JobID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,

    [ParentJobID] [nchar](255) NOT NULL,

    [StoredProcedureName] [nchar](255) NOT NULL,

    [StartDatetime] [datetime] NULL,

    [EndDatetime] [datetime] NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]

    ID in an identity field

    No indexes

    No triggers

    table is currently only about 80 records long (still in development so gets cleared down on a regular basis)

    no FKs in or out

    no contstraints

    No waitfors in the code.

    But thanks for the suggestions

  • Try putting a clustered PK on the identity colum and see if that fixes it. Heap "index" could be the source of your problems.

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