Split Values

  • Hi all

    i have a requirement where one value has to be split into two if it meets a requirement.

    e.g. When Course = 'Physical Training' then 'PT1', 'PT2' else Course end as Course_Id

    Have tried using Case but am not getting anywhere.

    Is there any way of doing this.

    Please help



  • Are you trying to use this? From the small fragment provided you are not going to get very good answers, just shots in the dark.

  • Hi

    There is one course that needs to be split into two if it was completed

    Before a certain date.

    Course Id - physical training if completed before 1/10/2010 needs

    To be split into pt1 and pt2

    select empid, courseid, case when courseid = 'physical training ' and enddate = '2012-10-01 00.000.00' then 'pt1' , 'pt2' end as crsid


    I need the data in two rows so the first row will have pt1, pt2 by emp no

    Please help


  • You could use a table variable to store the "split" values and join it to your table:

    -- SETUP. When posting on the forums you'd better include a table definition like this

    DECLARE @testData TABLE (

    empid int,

    courseid varchar(50),

    enddate datetime


    -- Sample data to test your query.

    -- Next time you post a question, provide us a sample of your data.

    INSERT INTO @testData VALUES (1, 'physical training', '2012-10-01 00:00.000') -- SPLIT

    INSERT INTO @testData VALUES (2, 'physical training', '2012-10-02 00:00.000')

    INSERT INTO @testData VALUES (3, 'physical training', '2012-10-03 00:00.000')

    INSERT INTO @testData VALUES (4, 'physical training', '2012-10-01 00:00.000') -- SPLIT

    -- Declare a table variable...

    DECLARE @splitter TABLE (

    i int,

    v varchar(10)


    -- ... and fill it with your "splits"

    INSERT INTO @splitter

    SELECT 1, 'pt1' -- SPLIT


    SELECT 1, 'pt2' -- SPLIT



    -- Final query:

    SELECT empid


    ,splitter.v AS crsid

    FROM @testData AS testData

    INNER JOIN @splitter AS splitter

    ON i =


    WHEN courseid = 'physical training '

    AND enddate = '2012-10-01 00:00.000'

    THEN 1

    ELSE 0


    If you don't like the table variable, you could use an inline non-correlated subquery or a CTE.

    Hope this helps


    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • Hi Gianluca

    Thank you for your help. That was great. I got it going.



  • Great! Glad I could help.

    -- Gianluca Sartori

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