Datatime conversion to INT

  • Hi Guys,

    Sorry if this post is on the wrong "section", i'm converting a mantisBT installation and i need to convert a datetime column to a int colomun with the specific aspect DDMMYYYY 00:00, and when i convert through the mantisBT upgrade only migrate de DDMMYYYY and the rest is set to 00:00, i want to know if exists any query in SQL that i can made to do this conversion, i'v tried this but with no success:

    select DateField, convert(int, DateField) from #Dates


    alter table #Dates add NewDateField INT


    update #Dates set NewDateField = convert(int, DateField)

    select * from #Dates


    alter table #Dates DROP COLUMN DateField


    select * from #Dates

    thanks for the help

  • one of the worst practices is converting a datetime any other data type. Let alone to integer format DDMMYYYY !!!

    It just looses all date characteristics and functions one can use with a datetime data type;

    In some cases, converting to integer in the format YYYYMMDD is suggested/advised for certain purposes, but that is the only acceptable exceptance.

    Well, if you insist on converting to DDMMYYYY this is how you can do it.

    select convert(int, replace(convert(char(10), getdate(),103), '/','') )

    If you insist on having the 0000 on the right side, and INT datatyped column will not do.

    ( have a look at BOL topic "int, bigint, smallint, and tinyint (Transact-SQL) " )

    It will have to be a bigint or a decimal(12,0)

    select convert(int, replace(convert(char(10), getdate(), 103), '/', '')) DDMMYYYY

    , convert(bigint, replace(convert(char(10), getdate(), 103), '/', '') + '0000') DDMMYYYY0000

    , convert(decimal(12, 0), replace(convert(char(10), getdate(), 103), '/', '') + '0000') DDMMYYYY0000_dec12

    Best is to stay with the datetime datatype ! and enjoy all the fruits that come with it.


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  • Hi johan,

    I know that you are right, but the MantisBT force me to convert the "datetime" columns to "int", its the only way to perform a upgrade to a newer version...

    I'll try those solutions, thanks for helping..

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