Concatenate variables... What am I missing?!

  • Hi all,

    Bit rusty but what I am trying to do looks easy and can't see what the hell I have done wrong...

    I am trying to create a stored proc for our developers, the proc will validate data and should return any issue with a record.

    I am getting the following ever so useful error...

    Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Procedure STP_Agent_upload, Line 92

    [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Line 92: Incorrect syntax near ' Reason: there is no transaction that matches the policy number, agent and transaction date specified.'.

    Will post up the proc in my reply

  • CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[STP_Agent_upload]


    -- List Input Parameters

    @Agent_Number VARCHAR(50), --column A

    @Date_Last_Payment DATETIME, --column C

    @policy_number VARCHAR (50), --column D

    @Agent_Payment_Amount SMALLMONEY, -- [Net] -> this is column M

    @Row_Number VARCHAR (100), --PASS this from application!

    @Return_Message VARCHAR (255) OUTPUT



    --List Variables Here

    DECLARE @Record_Count AS VARCHAR (100) --Used to flag whether there is an existing record

    DECLARE @Product AS VARCHAR (100)


    DECLARE @Insurer AS VARCHAR (100)

    DECLARE @Transaction_Counter AS VARCHAR (100)

    DECLARE @Agent_Introducer_URN AS VARCHAR (100)

    DECLARE @Company AS VARCHAR (100)

    --Initialize the variables

    SET @Record_Count =''

    SET @Product =''

    SET @Agent_URN =''

    SET @Insurer =''

    SET @Transaction_Counter =''

    SET @Agent_Introducer_URN =''

    SET @Company =''

    --------------------------------------------- Calculations ---------------------------------------------

    --1. Find Product

    SELECT @Product = [Cover type] FROM policytype WHERE [policy prefix] = LEFT (@policy_number, 2)

    IF @Product = '' SET @Return_Message = @policy_number + ' failed, Policy prefix not found, this was row number ' + @Row_Number

    --2. Find Agent

    IF @Return_Message <> ''

    SELECT @Agent_URN = [Agent URN] FROM [AgentDetails] WHERE [Agent Number] = @Agent_Number

    IF @Agent_URN = '' SET @Return_Message = @policy_number +' failed, agent not found, this was row number ' + @Row_Number

    --3. Find Insurer

    IF @Return_Message <> ''

    SELECT @Insurer = MAX ([Transaction date]) FROM Accounts WHERE [transaction date] = '@Date_Last_Payment' AND [transaction type] IN ('new business', 'mta', 'renewal', 'Cancellation') AND [policy number] = @policy_number

    IF @Insurer = '' SET @Return_Message = @policy_number +' failed, insurer not found, this was row number ' + @Row_Number

    --4. Find Transaction Counter

    IF @Return_Message <> ''

    SELECT @Transaction_Counter = [Transaction Counter] FROM Accounts WHERE [transaction date] = '@Date_Last_Payment' AND [policy number] = @policy_number AND [transaction type] IN ('new business', 'mta', 'renewal', 'Cancellation')

    IF @Transaction_Counter = '' SET @Return_Message = @policy_number + ' failed, Transaction Counter not found, this was row number ' + @Row_Number

    --5. Find Agent Introducer

    IF @Return_Message <> ''

    SELECT @Agent_Introducer_URN = [agents introducer] FROM Accounts WHERE [transaction date] = '@Date_Last_Payment' AND [transaction type] IN ('new business', 'mta', 'renewal', 'Cancellation') AND [policy number] = @policy_number

    IF @Agent_Introducer_URN = '' SET @Return_Message = @policy_number +' failed, agent introducer not found, this was row number ' + @Row_Number

    --6. Company

    IF @Return_Message <> ''

    SELECT @Company = [company name] FROM Accounts WHERE [transaction date] = '@Date_Last_Payment' AND [transaction type] IN ('new business', 'mta', 'renewal', 'Cancellation') AND [policy number] = @policy_number

    IF @Company = '' SET @Return_Message = @policy_number +' failed, company not found, this was row number ' + @Row_Number

    ---------------------------------------------------------------- validation ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    --1. Agent Paymnt

    IF @Agent_Payment_Amount >0 AND @Product <> '' and @Agent_URN <> ''

    SET @Return_Message = @policy_number + ' failed, this was row number: ' + @Row_Number + ' Reason: agent payment needs to be a negative amount.'

    --2. @Agent_Number

    IF @Agent_Number = ''

    SET @Return_Message = @policy_number + ' failed, this was row number: ' + @Row_Number + ' Reason: there is no agent number.'

    --3. @Date_Last_Payment

    IF @Agent_Number = ''

    SET @Return_Message = @policy_number + ' failed, this was row number: ' + @Row_Number + ' Reason: there is no transaction date.'

    --4. @policy_number

    IF @Agent_Number = ''

    SET @Return_Message = 'Failure this was row number: ' + @Row_Number + ' Reason: there is no policy number.'

    --5. @Agent_Payment_Amount

    IF @Agent_Number = ''

    SET @Return_Message = @policy_number + ' failed, this was row number: ' + @Row_Number + ' Reason: there is no agent payment amount.'

    --6. Search for combination of inputs

    IF @Return_Message <> ''

    SELECT @Record_Count = COUNT ([Policy number]) FROM accounts WHERE [Policy number] = @policy_number AND [Agent] = @Agent_Number AND [transaction date] = @Date_Last_Payment AND [transaction type] IN ('new business', 'mta', 'renewal', 'Cancellation')

    IF @Record_Count = '0'

    SET @Return_Message = @policy_number + ' failed, this was row number: ' + @Row_Number + ' Reason: there is no transaction that matches the policy number, agent and transaction date specified.'

  • You have single quoted a variable, making it a string-type constant: '@Date_Last_Payment'

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • ChrisM@Work (3/6/2013)

    You have single quoted a variable, making it a string-type constant: '@Date_Last_Payment'

    Hi Chris,

    I have temporarily changed it to a varchar - in the input parameters bit however I still get the following error

    Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Procedure STP_Agent_upload, Line 92

    [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Line 92: Incorrect syntax near ' Reason: there is no transaction that matches the policy number, agent and transaction date specified.'.


  • Plateau (3/6/2013)

    ChrisM@Work (3/6/2013)

    You have single quoted a variable, making it a string-type constant: '@Date_Last_Payment'

    Hi Chris,

    I have temporarily changed it to a varchar - in the input parameters bit however I still get the following error

    Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Procedure STP_Agent_upload, Line 92

    [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Line 92: Incorrect syntax near ' Reason: there is no transaction that matches the policy number, agent and transaction date specified.'.


    Have you removed the single quotes from around the variable - everywhere it appears in the sproc?

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • ChrisM@Work (3/6/2013)

    Plateau (3/6/2013)

    ChrisM@Work (3/6/2013)

    You have single quoted a variable, making it a string-type constant: '@Date_Last_Payment'

    Hi Chris,

    I have temporarily changed it to a varchar - in the input parameters bit however I still get the following error

    Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Procedure STP_Agent_upload, Line 92

    [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Line 92: Incorrect syntax near ' Reason: there is no transaction that matches the policy number, agent and transaction date specified.'.


    Have you removed the single quotes from around the variable - everywhere it appears in the sproc?

    Hi Chris,

    Not sure I understand. Sorry...

    The colour of the statement seem to show it is correct?

    Or do you mean the initialising bit is wrong?

    If I cut my query right down - then I am still getting incorrect syntax

    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[STP_Agent_upload]


    -- List Input Parameters

    @Agent_Number VARCHAR(50), --column A

    @Date_Last_Payment VARCHAR(50), --column C

    @policy_number VARCHAR (50), --column D

    @Agent_Payment_Amount VARCHAR (50), -- [Net] -> this is column M

    @Row_Number VARCHAR (100), --PASS this from IMS!

    @Return_Message VARCHAR (255) OUTPUT



    --List Variables Here

    DECLARE @Record_Count AS VARCHAR (100) --Used to flag whether there is an existing record

    DECLARE @Product AS VARCHAR (100)


    DECLARE @Insurer AS VARCHAR (100)

    DECLARE @Transaction_Counter AS VARCHAR (100)

    DECLARE @Agent_Introducer_URN AS VARCHAR (100)

    DECLARE @Company AS VARCHAR (100)

    --------------------------------------------- Calculations ---------------------------------------------

    --1. Find Product

    SELECT @Product = [Cover type] FROM policytype WHERE [policy prefix] = LEFT (@policy_number, 2)

    IF @Product = '' SET @Return_Message = @policy_number

  • --4. Find Transaction Counter

    IF @Return_Message <> ''

    SELECT @Transaction_Counter = [Transaction Counter] FROM Accounts

    WHERE [transaction date] = '@Date_Last_Payment' AND [policy number] = @policy_number AND [transaction type] IN ('new business', 'mta', 'renewal', 'Cancellation')

    IF @Transaction_Counter = '' SET @Return_Message = @policy_number + ' failed, Transaction Counter not found, this was row number ' + @Row_Number

    Change to

    --4. Find Transaction Counter

    IF @Return_Message <> ''

    SELECT @Transaction_Counter = [Transaction Counter] FROM Accounts

    WHERE [transaction date] = @Date_Last_Payment AND [policy number] = @policy_number AND [transaction type] IN ('new business', 'mta', 'renewal', 'Cancellation')

    IF @Transaction_Counter = '' SET @Return_Message = @policy_number + ' failed, Transaction Counter not found, this was row number ' + @Row_Number

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • Thanks Chris!

    Oh good god, not sure how I couldn't see that... Well sleep deprivation I guess

    I have changed the code to the below but still get an error -

    Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Procedure STP_Agent_upload, Line 92

    [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Line 92: Incorrect syntax near ' Reason: there is no transaction that matches the policy number, agent and transaction date specified.'.


    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[STP_Agent_upload]


    -- List Input Parameters

    @Agent_Number VARCHAR(50), --column A

    @Date_Last_Payment DATETIME, --column C

    @policy_number VARCHAR (50), --column D

    @Agent_Payment_Amount SMALLMONEY, -- [Net] -> this is column M

    @Row_Number VARCHAR (100), --PASS this from IMS!

    @Return_Message VARCHAR (255) OUTPUT



    --List Variables Here

    DECLARE @Record_Count AS INT --Used to flag whether there is an existing record

    DECLARE @Product AS VARCHAR (100)


    DECLARE @Insurer AS VARCHAR (100)

    DECLARE @Transaction_Counter AS VARCHAR (100)

    DECLARE @Agent_Introducer_URN AS VARCHAR (100)

    DECLARE @Company AS VARCHAR (100)

    --Initialize the variables

    SET @Record_Count =''

    SET @Product =''

    SET @Agent_URN =''

    SET @Insurer =''

    SET @Transaction_Counter =''

    SET @Agent_Introducer_URN =''

    SET @Company =''

    --------------------------------------------- Calculations ---------------------------------------------

    --1. Find Product

    SELECT @Product = [Cover type] FROM policytype WHERE [policy prefix] = LEFT (@policy_number, 2)

    IF @Product = '' SET @Return_Message = @policy_number + ' failed, Policy prefix not found, this was row number ' + @Row_Number

    --2. Find Agent

    IF @Return_Message <> ''

    SELECT @Agent_URN = [Agent URN] FROM [AgentDetails] WHERE [Agent Number] = @Agent_Number

    IF @Agent_URN = '' SET @Return_Message = @policy_number + ' failed, agent not found, this was row number ' + @Row_Number

    --3. Find Insurer

    IF @Return_Message <> ''

    SELECT @Insurer = MAX ([Transaction date]) FROM Accounts WHERE [transaction date] = @Date_Last_Payment AND [transaction type] IN ('new business', 'mta', 'renewal', 'Cancellation') AND [policy number] = @policy_number

    IF @Insurer = '' SET @Return_Message = @policy_number +' failed, insurer not found, this was row number ' + @Row_Number

    --4. Find Transaction Counter

    IF @Return_Message <> ''

    SELECT @Transaction_Counter = [Transaction Counter] FROM Accounts WHERE [transaction date] = @Date_Last_Payment AND [policy number] = @policy_number AND [transaction type] IN ('new business', 'mta', 'renewal', 'Cancellation')

    IF @Transaction_Counter = '' SET @Return_Message = @policy_number + ' failed, Transaction Counter not found, this was row number ' + @Row_Number

    --5. Find Agent Introducer

    IF @Return_Message <> ''

    SELECT @Agent_Introducer_URN = [agents introducer] FROM Accounts WHERE [transaction date] = @Date_Last_Payment AND [transaction type] IN ('new business', 'mta', 'renewal', 'Cancellation') AND [policy number] = @policy_number

    IF @Agent_Introducer_URN = '' SET @Return_Message = @policy_number +' failed, agent introducer not found, this was row number ' + @Row_Number

    --6. Company

    IF @Return_Message <> ''

    SELECT @Company = [company name] FROM Accounts WHERE [transaction date] = @Date_Last_Payment AND [transaction type] IN ('new business', 'mta', 'renewal', 'Cancellation') AND [policy number] = @policy_number

    IF @Company = '' SET @Return_Message = @policy_number +' failed, company not found, this was row number ' + @Row_Number

    ---------------------------------------------------------------- validation ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    --1. Agent Paymnt

    IF @Agent_Payment_Amount >0 AND @Product <> '' and @Agent_URN <> ''

    SET @Return_Message = @policy_number + ' failed, this was row number: ' + @Row_Number + ' Reason: agent payment needs to be a negative amount.'

    --2. @Agent_Number

    IF @Agent_Number = ''

    SET @Return_Message = @policy_number + ' failed, this was row number: ' + @Row_Number + ' Reason: there is no agent number.'

    --3. @Date_Last_Payment

    IF @Agent_Number = ''

    SET @Return_Message = @policy_number + ' failed, this was row number: ' + @Row_Number + ' Reason: there is no transaction date.'

    --4. @policy_number

    IF @Agent_Number = ''

    SET @Return_Message = 'Failure this was row number: ' + @Row_Number + ' Reason: there is no policy number.'

    --5. @Agent_Payment_Amount

    IF @Agent_Number = ''

    SET @Return_Message = @policy_number + ' failed, this was row number: ' + @Row_Number + ' Reason: there is no agent payment amount.'

    --6. Search for combination of inputs

    IF @Return_Message <> ''

    SELECT @Record_Count = COUNT ([Policy number]) FROM accounts WHERE [Policy number] = @policy_number AND [Agent] = @Agent_Number AND [transaction date] = @Date_Last_Payment AND [transaction type] IN ('new business', 'mta', 'renewal', 'Cancellation')

    IF @Record_Count = '0'

    SET @Return_Message = @policy_number + ' failed, this was row number: ' + @Row_Number + ' Reason: there is no transaction that matches the policy number, agent and transaction date specified.'

  • In fact if I strip it down even further I still get issues

    Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Procedure STP_Agent_upload, Line 38

    [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Line 38: Incorrect syntax near '@policy_number'.

    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[STP_Agent_upload]


    -- List Input Parameters

    @Agent_Number VARCHAR(50), --column A

    @Date_Last_Payment DATETIME, --column C

    @policy_number VARCHAR (50), --column D

    @Agent_Payment_Amount SMALLMONEY, -- [Net] -> this is column M

    @Row_Number VARCHAR (100), --PASS this from IMS!

    @Return_Message VARCHAR (255) OUTPUT



    --List Variables Here

    DECLARE @Record_Count AS INT --Used to flag whether there is an existing record

    DECLARE @Product AS VARCHAR (100)


    DECLARE @Insurer AS VARCHAR (100)

    DECLARE @Transaction_Counter AS VARCHAR (100)

    DECLARE @Agent_Introducer_URN AS VARCHAR (100)

    DECLARE @Company AS VARCHAR (100)

    --Initialize the variables

    SET @Record_Count =''

    SET @Product =''

    SET @Agent_URN =''

    SET @Insurer =''

    SET @Transaction_Counter =''

    SET @Agent_Introducer_URN =''

    SET @Company =''

    --------------------------------------------- Calculations ---------------------------------------------

    --1. Find Product

    SELECT @Product = [Cover type] FROM policytype WHERE [policy prefix] = LEFT (@policy_number, 2)

    IF @Product = '' SET @Return_Message = @policy_number

  • You have a BEGIN at the top of the sproc - does it have a corresponding END?

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • ChrisM@Work (3/6/2013)

    You have a BEGIN at the top of the sproc - does it have a corresponding END?

    That's it, oh god that was so obvious now

    Thanks so much Chris

  • Plateau (3/6/2013)

    ChrisM@Work (3/6/2013)

    You have a BEGIN at the top of the sproc - does it have a corresponding END?

    That's it, oh god that was so obvious now

    Thanks so much Chris

    You're welcome. Get some sleep 😀

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

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