job fail error

  • one of our production server job failed i checked in the hystory of jobs

    error :

    String or binary data would be truncated. [SQLSTATE 22001] (Error 8152) The statement has been terminated. [SQLSTATE 01000] (Error 3621) Associated statement is not prepared [SQLSTATE HY007] (Error 0) String or binary data would be truncated. [SQLSTATE 22001] (Error 8152) The statement has been terminated. [SQLSTATE 01000] (Error 3621). The step failed.

    please reply

    thanks in advance

  • Check your job what it is doing..mostly it must be inserting some data and data in some source column may be of more length than the column in table you are trying to insert the data...

  • Any another or alternate solutions please

  • Did you checked what your job is doing? most of the cases thats the reason which I posted earlier for such error.

  • I agree with jshailendra. You (and we) are going to need to know more information about what is going on in the job when it is failing in order to troubleshoot more efficiently. Is it possible to have a trace running while the job is running to see what is going on?

    Joie Andrew
    "Since 1982"

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