SQLServerCentral Article

Raffle Winners and a Thank You



SQLServerCentral.com, along with support from Red Gate Software and End to End Training, have been running a raffle to support Katie and her family. We'd like to thank everyone that's participated on behalf of Katie and her family and we've raised nearly five thousand dollars.

I sent the list of ticket purchasers to Rex and he said he had Katie pick the lucky people out, so here are the winners and their prizes.

Prize Winner
Iron Speed Designer Enterprise Edition: $1995 Value Jeffrey Sovel
Secure FTP Server - a $2999 Value Patrick Finfrock
Secure iNet Factory Telnet Library - a $995 Value Richard Spiller
JetBrains Resharper 3.0 Pro - a $199 Value Timothy Opry
SQL Professional Toolbelt - 1 copy valued at $1995 Remi Gregoire
ANTS Profiler Pro - 5 copies valued at $295 each James Knowlton

Karl Keller

Marcie Ligons

Frank Fulton

John Hummer

30GB Apple iPod - 3 to giveaway, each valued at $249 Ed McDaniel

Blane Wheeler

Robert Price

End to End Performance Tuning Class - 1 seat in the class of your choice, a $3000 value Nicole Bowman

We'll be shipping out prizes, keys, etc. over the next few days. If you're on the list, feel free to contact me (sjones at sqlservercentral.com) for details on when/where to claim prizes. I'm in the midst of trying to get the beta complete and the new site launched, so if I don't get this stuff out the door tomorrow, I apologize.

Rex had his own note to say thanks, and here it is:


Steve Jones, The SQL Server Central Community and Those Who Donated,

I first wanted to start by saying thank you to each of you who offered suggestions or support during the time that Steve ran this fundraiser on Katie's behalf. It turns out that it was something that I needed in so many ways. I was feeling very discouraged with life in general and the response and concern that was expressed by the members of SQLServerCentral was very, very encouraging. The suggestions I was given both on the message board and in direct email have prompted a flurry of activity in our home and that's a good thing. I think after 5 years of caring for Katie we were beginning to run out of ideas and hope that we could every fully rehabilitate Katie from this injury to her bowel. I was emboldened by one member in particular (and I bet you'll know who you are) who emailed me on a few different occasions with suggestions for medical providers/researchers available on the east coast. From her suggestions I was motivated to start making some calls of my own and to form a rough game plan.

So far my experience has been empowering. A conversation I recently had with Katie's primary care physician was interesting and fascinating at the same time. I expressed frustration at the lack of true immersion I was seeing from any of her caregivers. He more or less said that nobody loves or cares about her as much as I do and if I really want to see her recover I'll have to do a lot of the legwork and research. A bit shocked at this recommendation it took me a few days to really comprehend the truth of his statement and how common that reality really is for many people. So with the encouragement and suggestions I have received from the excellent community at SQLServerCentral I'm setting off down a road and beginning a journey that is exciting. I know that I am tenacious and disciplined and I know that by my own hand, research and investigation I should be able to significantly better Katie's quality of life.

I guess for me SQLServerCentral deserves a lot of credit as a community because your kindness empowered me and gave me the courage I'm going to need as I head down this road. I was really frustrated and despondent at the time Steve contacted me and his willingness to get involved and help really offered a hope I was excited about but uncertain of. Now that this whole experience has finished I am extremely encouraged and I just want to thank everyone at SQLServerCentral for the help and encouragement. I'm hoping to blog about my experiences soon but if any of you wishes to email me directly you should be able to find some way of contacting me on the internet or by reaching Steve. Visit http://www.code-frog.com or http://blog.code-frog.com for starters and at one of those sites you should find a way to reach me.

Once again thank you so much for the support and the suggestions. I really don't think I'd have made the decision I am now making had it not been for the support I received from SQLServerCentral and this community and those who operate it should feel very good about the difference they have made in the life of a child and a family. We are renewed by our experience here and that's a great feeling to have as we move forward.

Best Regards,

Rex Winn


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