Andy Warren

I'm Andy Warren, currently a SQL Server trainer with End to End Training. Over the past few years I've been a developer, DBA, and IT Director. I was one of the original founders of and helped grow that community from zero to about 300k members before deciding to move on to other ventures.

SQLServerCentral Article

Reattaching Databases - Some Code AND a Contest!

Attaching and detaching databases isn't rocket science, but if you have a lot of databases to attach it's pretty boring. Andy has written some VB code that uses SQL-DMO to speed up the process. But DMO isn't the only way - can you write a TSQL script to do the same thing? Fame and fortune await!

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SQLServerCentral Article

Try the SQL Parser Object to Colorize your SQL!

The SQLParser object - mostly undocumented - gives you an easy way to convert a TSQL string into a colorized RTF string. Andy started with that and wrote some code to change it to HTML. Useful? Never know! Code and demo program included with the article.

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SQLServerCentral Article

Some Comments about our Discussion Area

Sometimes as hard as you look you just can't find the answer or idea you're looking for - that's when a good discussion forum comes in handy! Read this article for some tips and tricks on using our discussion forums successfully. Then when you have time, browse our current discussions and see if they work.

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SQLServerCentral Article

Executing Multiple Scripts in a Folder using the ScriptRunner Utility

Ever have a large batch of scripts you need to run? It takes a while if you have to open each one in Query Analyzer and execute it. One of our readers proposed an alternative - take a look the small app Andy Warren wrote to make doing this task a breeze.

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Rebuilding a SQL Server Database Transaction Log


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Copying Content from One Databricks Unity Catalog Catalog to Another


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7 sept, schedlued article

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