Brian Knight

Brian Knight, MCSE, MCDBA, is on the Board of Directors for the Professional Association for SQL Server (PASS) and runs the local SQL Server users group in Jacksonville. Brian is a contributing columnist for SQL Magazine and also maintains a weekly column for the database website He is the author of Admin911: SQL Server (Osborne/McGraw-Hill Publishing) and co-author of Professional SQL Server DTS (Wrox Press). Brian is a Senior SQL Server Database Consultant at Alltel in Jacksonville and spends most of his time deep in DTS and SQL Server.

Technical Article

Kill All Users in A Given Database

This script will kill all users in a given database. Before disconnecting, it can optionally send the user a NET SEND Message giving them a warning to disconnect. To run, simply call it like usp_killusers 'dbname'. Make sure the @dbname parameter is not the master database.

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Technical Article

Quickly Enable/Disable Triggers and Constraints

When loading data, nothing can be more frustrating than having to deal with stubborn constraints and triggers. This is especially true when you know your data is fine but the constraints are too prohibitive for a mass initial load. Here's a technique I use to disable the constraints and triggers temporarily during a mass load. […]

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