The Scary DBA

Blog Post

Extended Events in AWS RDS

For the longest time, we didn’t have one of the most useful tools for monitoring SQL Server behavior, but I just found out that, indeed, you can use Extended...

2022-05-11 (first published: )

136 reads

Blog Post

Execution Plan Properties

I’ve watched several people recently go straight to XML when reading execution plans because they didn’t know about the execution plan properties in the first operator. Now, don’t get...


26 reads

Blog Post

Azure Data Studio Intellisense

I recently saw a question about the Azure Data Studio Intellisense: “Why won’t intellisense in Azure Data Studio work with different schemas?” Immediately I thought, “Wait, it does.” But,...


26 reads


Simple Talks Episode 7


The season 1, seventh episode of Simple Talks is out. Check it out, with...

A New Word: the McFly effect


the McFly Effect – n. the phenomenon of observing your parents interact with people...

Key mappings in Visual Studio Code


At a recent conference I was asked how I executed code during my presentation....

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7 sept, scheduled book

By philip.scott

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7 sept, schedlued article

By philip.scott

Comments posted to this topic are about the item 7 sept, schedlued article

6 sept, published book

By philip.scott

Comments posted to this topic are about the item 6 sept, published book

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Azure Data Lake Storage Gen 2

Azure Data Lake Storage Gen 2 is built on ...?

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