The Scary DBA

Blog Post

PostgreSQL Restore in Azure

I recently wrote an article about PostgreSQL restores (and by extension, backups) over on Simple-Talk. The restore process within PostgreSQL, without 3rd party involvement, can be a little tricky....

2022-02-14 (first published: )

114 reads

Blog Post

Two Clustered Indexes?

Everyone knows that you only get a single clustered index, right? Wouldn’t it be great though if you could have two clustered indexes? Well, you can. Sort of. Let’s...

2022-01-31 (first published: )

432 reads

Blog Post

Why Is “WHERE 1=0” Slow?

I saw a question the other day, questioning why they’re creation of temporary tables was so slow. What they were doing was (a much more complicated version of) this:...

2022-01-24 (first published: )

855 reads

Blog Post

Identifying Recompile Causes

Strictly speaking, a recompile isn’t really a performance tuning problem. In fact, a lot of time, recompiles are desired because they reflect changes in statistics which are likely to...

2022-01-12 (first published: )

247 reads

Blog Post

Login Timeouts

I was recently approached at work about a company that was seeing tons of timeouts in SQL Server. I was asked how to troubleshoot this. There are lots of...

2021-10-06 (first published: )

542 reads


Simple Talks Episode 7


The season 1, seventh episode of Simple Talks is out. Check it out, with...

A New Word: the McFly effect


the McFly Effect – n. the phenomenon of observing your parents interact with people...

Key mappings in Visual Studio Code


At a recent conference I was asked how I executed code during my presentation....

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7 sept, scheduled book

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7 sept, schedlued article

By philip.scott

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6 sept, published book

By philip.scott

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Azure Data Lake Storage Gen 2

Azure Data Lake Storage Gen 2 is built on ...?

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