Blog Post

Speaking at SQL Saturday #233–Washington, DC


For those who will be at SQL Saturday #233 in Washington, DC, I’ll be giving my professional development talk, Being the Swiss Army Knife of DB Pros, at 9:45 AM.

My career is ever evolving and so is my talk. For instance, I have just returned to the role of an infrastructure and security architect, once again stepping away from being a full-time DBA.  This brings new relevance to some of the material in my presentation. So even if you’ve seen it before, I hope there will be something new for you.

If I were to sum up my talk with one quote, this one I found recently from Miyamoto Musashi’s The Book of Five Rings is appropriate:

“You should not have a favorite weapon. To become over-familiar with one weapon is as much a fault as not knowing it sufficiently well.”

I hope to see you in Washington, DC.


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