Blog Post

SQL Validation Functions - 4 Cool UDF's to have handy


Everyone knows that in SQL 2000, yes 2000, Microsoft jumped aboard the bandwagon of other platforms, and gave the developers the abilitiy to create user defined functions.  This was sorely missing from the TSQL toolset, and the ability to CREATE FUNCTIONs, has reduced the development time and simplified coding.  Finally this powerful capability opened up new ways to integrate the code logic into TSQL via these functions without hundreds of lines of complicated code and use of temp tables to store results. Now the functionality has gotten even better.   You can review the msdn library reference for Creating User Defined Functions.

The book, which refers to the latest release of SQL Server, 'Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Unleashed', has an entire chapter dedicated to Creating and Managing User-Defined Functions, including discussions on what's new in 2008 R2, why use User Defined Functions, the types of UDFs, creating and managing UDFs, rewriting stored procedures as UDFs, and creating and using CLR functions.  It is quite in-depth about the topic, and that's only one chapter!  Definitely consider having this latest reference on your bookshelf or in your digital library!

UDFs allow you to add custom solutions for unique application-specific problems. Tasks can be as simple as calculating a value or as complex as defining and implementing table constraints. SQL Server UDFs are subroutines of encapsulated Transact-SQL (T-SQL) logic that you can call into action via other T-SQL code to return a scalar (single) value or a table results.

Some of the main advantages of UDF's (over using stored procedures) are:

  • UDFs return table variables.
  • You can call a UDF from a SELECT statement.

  • You can join to a UDF.

So, since I was recently assigned a task to come up with some validation functions, those that would take an input parameter, and either validate it against the code for things like format, syntax, invalid characters, length, is it numeric, etc. 

More specifically, to explain it in practical terms, have you ever had to fill in a form on-line?  Well, unless you've been in a cave for the last 25 or so years, and never ordered anything on the Internet, then the answer is obviously, "YES!".  What are the typical things a web-form will ask you for?  Besides your name, most forms will require your email address, phone number, and maybe your web-site address (URL).  Some credit cards, banks and government agencies may also require your Social Security Number for security purposes as well.  Of course we assume that you know the site is legitimate, and when you enter this info, it is on a highly secured site using SSL.  Right?  Well, that's a security/phishing topic for a whole other blog, but sometimes you will need to enter your SSN to continue through the site.

Once you enter this information, often times the site highlights your entries in red, or outputs a message that for some reason your email address is invalid.  Maybe, you forgot or misplace the '.' in .com, or the '@' symbol, for example. For your phone number or SSN, perhaps it is not properly formatted - ie your phone number has invalid characters or not numeric.  Heck, most often as long as you enter 10 valid digits for your telephone (we're talking local not international), the site will format it for you!  It may even recognize a bum web-site, and tell you its not a valid URL.   Therefore, the question I seek to answer is, "how are these sites so smart?" and "how do they know your information is invalid".  Almost for certain, the code behind the application is using validation functions

Using SQL Server User Defined Functions, I will demonstrate this here.  First, you must open up your imagination, and be able to take these basic functions, and modify the heck outta them, to customize to your needs.  The following functions don't delete any data, but they are "as-is" with no warranty.  Feel free to use these in your own application/development.

These functions can help you scrub, validate and format data before it is committed to your database(s).  Remember, good data in, good data out.  Conversely, bad data in, badder data out. 🙂

Rather than re-invent the wheel, I scoured the internet and Googled, and found some neat and handy validation functions that I am sharing with all of you right here on the PearlKnows blog.  Although I made some of my own modifications, they are generally available on the Internet, and I am in no way taking credit for the original works.

Most of these return a bit as output - in this case 1=Valid, and 0=Invalid - but you can modify them to return a string/message.  Of course, you can use the bit flag in your app code as well to return a more sophisticated output, even a specific message for why its invalid. You will also see in the code, comments on what each line of code is checking for. But, I will leave you to your own devices.  So, take these as they are, and GO NUTS!

 1. Email Validation:  This function below basically checks for Nulls, invalid or duplicate characters, and looks for '@' and '.' in the formatting.  Once created, you will run the following t-sql:

   select dbo.udf_ValidateEmail('')

Create FUNCTION udf_ValidateEmail (@email varChar(255))








When @Email is null then 0 --NULL Email is invalid

When charindex(' ', @email) <> 0 or --Check for invalid character

charindex('/', @email) <> 0 or --Check for invalid character

charindex(':', @email) <> 0 or --Check for invalid character

charindex(';', @email) <> 0 then 0 --Check for invalid character

When len(@Email)-1 <= charindex('.', @Email) then 0--check for '%._' at end of string

When @Email like '%@%@%'or

@Email Not Like '%@%.%' then 0--Check for duplicate @ or invalid format

Else 1




2. Social Security Number - SSN Validation:  We all know that our SSNs are 9-digits long, and follows the standard format of xxx-xx-xxxx.  Therefore, we would want to validate that it is in fact 9-digits, the characters are numeric [0-9], and ensure that the format is indeed the right length for each section - ie: 3-2-4.  After you create this nice function, you can test it by running various offshoots (try to enter invalid data), but basically looks like:

select dbo.udf_ValidateSSN('123-45-6789') 



CREATE FUNCTION udf_ValidateSSN(@SSN varchar(50))





SET @ValidFlag = 0

IF @SSN LIKE '[0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]'


IF LEFT(@SSN,3) != '000' AND SUBSTRING(@SSN,5,2) != '00'

AND RIGHT(@SSN,4) != '0000'


SET @ValidFlag = 1

RETURN ( @ValidFlag)



IF @SSN LIKE '[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]'


IF LEFT(@SSN,3) != '000' AND SUBSTRING(@SSN,4,2) != '00'

AND RIGHT(@SSN,4) != '0000'


SET @ValidFlag = 1

RETURN ( @ValidFlag)



RETURN ( @ValidFlag)



3. Validate/Format Phone Number:  There's always confusion on how to enter a phone number, unless there's a note next to the field that says: "xxx-xxx-xxxx" or "(xxx) xxx-xxxx" or even xxxxxxxxxx.  A smart function will take all inputs and simply format it the way the end-user wants it stored in the database.  For this we can validate the input, and standardize the format of the entered telephone number.  This cool function is a bit more sophisticated, in that it does two things, validate the data; and format it to a standard form.  It first checks if the data is numeric, is 10-digits in length, does not have a '1' at the beginning, etc.  What it wants the user to enter is, 10-digits, no dashes, and it will format '3124457689' to '312-445-7689'.  I'm sure you can modify it to accept the dashes.  You can test it out as:

 select [dbo].[udf_ValFormatPhone] ('3124445678')

CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[udf_ValFormatPhone] (@phone NVARCHAR(255))




declare @i int, @repCount int

declare @current_char char(1)

declare @phone_new varchar(50)

set @phone_new = rtrim(ltrim(@phone))

if left(@phone_new, 1) = '1'

set @phone_new = right(@phone_new, len(@phone_new) -1)

set @i = 1

while @i <= len(@phone)


set @repCount = 0

if @i > len(@phone_new)


set @current_char = substring(@phone_new, @i, 1)

if isnumeric(@current_char) <> 1


set @repCount = len(@phone_new) - len(replace(@phone_new, @current_char, ''))

set @phone_new = replace(@phone_new, @current_char, '')


set @i = @i + 1 - @repCount


if isnumeric(@phone_new) = 1 and len(@phone_new) = 10

set @phone_new =

substring(@phone_new, 1,3) + '-' +

substring(@phone_new, 4,3) + '-' +

substring(@phone_new, 7,4)


set @phone_new = 'invalid entry'

return @phone_new

END --function

4. Validate URL - This one is an interesting and neat function, a bit unique, and one that I can source back to and credit to Adam Machanic. (<click on the link for original source)  It creates a UDF, and uses Object Automation to validate the site from SQL Server. And let me emphasize, it actually validates the URL itself, not just the string!  So, it will attempt to connect to the internet, and check if the URL actually resolves.  It tries to address the timeout connection, and you will need to enable the 'OLE Automation' configuration option for this to work. 

sp_configure 'Show Advanced Options',1
sp_configure 'Ole Automation Procedures',1

And, then, once you create the function, you can run:

SELECT dbo.udf_ValidateURL('')
1 <--if valid will return 1, otherwise 0






DECLARE @Valid BIT SET @Valid = 0 --default to false

--create the XMLHTTP object

EXEC @Return = sp_oacreate 'MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP.3.0', @Object OUTPUT

IF @Return = 0


DECLARE @Method VARCHAR(350) --define setTimeouts method --Resolve, Connect, Send, Receive

SET @Method = 'setTimeouts(45000, 45000, 45000, 45000)' --set the timeouts

EXEC @Return = sp_oamethod @Object, @Method

IF @Return = 0

BEGIN --define open method

SET @Method = 'open("GET", "' + @URL + '", false)'--Open the connection

EXEC @Return = sp_oamethod @Object, @Method

END IF @Return = 0

BEGIN --SEND the request

EXEC @Return = sp_oamethod @Object, 'send()'


IF @Return = 0



EXEC @Return = sp_oamethod @Object, 'status', @Output OUTPUT

IF @Output = 200


SET @Valid = 1



END --destroy the object EXEC sp_oadestroy @Object

RETURN (@Valid)


So there you have it! Four handy user validation functions that you can use in your code to validate, format, and scrub data as needed.  I hope this information has been helpful!  Happy coding!



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