
SQLServerCentral Article

Citrix MetaFrame, SQL Server, and the DBA

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In this article, Brian looks at how Citrix MetaFrame can use SQL Server for its internal data repository. The basic operation of SQL Server in a Citrix MetaFrame installation is covered. In addition, Brian looks at how a DBA is an integral part of the support team for a successful Citrix MetaFrame farm.

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2007-03-02 (first published: )

26,549 reads

SQLServerCentral Article

Multi-Server Administration

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Multi server administration allows you to create jobs and maintenance plans once. You can then monitor and change them from one SQL Server. View job histories and statuses for 2, 4, 10, or more SQL Servers from one master SQL Server. See how you can simplify your administration duties with multi server administration.

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SQLServerCentral Article

Attach and Detach..Again

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Attaching and detaching databases is old hat these days right? Do you know how to reattach a database that has more than 16 files? Or do you know what happens if you try to reattach a database that had two log files but one is missing/deleted? And even if you know the answer to that - do you know how to fix it without restoring from backup? Maybe it's not ALL old hat just yet!

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2006-06-23 (first published: )

24,230 reads

Technical Article

Middle Tier Application Data Caching with SQL Server 2000

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Middle tier applications often use a single database management system (DBMS) to store data, which can expose scaling limitations as the number of user requests increases. Caching, a technique used to increase application performance by copying data and then using the copied data in place of the original data, can dramatically increase the throughput (the number of application requests serviceable per unit time) and scalability of middle tier applications.


2,221 reads

SQLServerCentral Article

Freeware DBEzze 1.0 Released

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DBEzze is a freeware product that can look into a database and generate XML structural or data output. It can also generate INSERT statements from a table, view or stored procedure. This freeware product is available for download from members only.

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