Cloud Computing

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The Community Cloud

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The 'Community Cloud' sounds, on first impression, like marketing-speak for some untried novelty, but in fact it is already around, and working well for governments and healthcare in particular. Bob Sheldon investigates, and is encouraged to find groups of organisations who have cooperated to create secure and resilient cloud-based services.


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External Article

Buck Woody's Cloud Howlers

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We asked Buck Woody to come up with his favourite 'Cloud' Howlers. After 'Howler' monkeys, we are faced with Howler letters. Buck dreams of sending Howler letters to the folks who dreamed up the marketing hype around 'cloud' services, who misunderstand services, who don't prepares applications for distributed environments and so on.


2,677 reads

External Article

Onboarding SQL Server Private Cloud Environment

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This guide outlines the major considerations that must be taken into account when onboarding Microsoft® SQL Server® environments into a private cloud infrastructure.There is a strong trend in IT to virtualize servers whenever possible, driven by:1. Standardization2. Manageability3. IT agility and efficiency4. Consolidating servers reduces hardware, energy, and datacenter space utilization costs5. Virtualized environments allow new Disaster Recovery strategiesThe Hyper-V™ role in Windows Server® 2008 R2 provides a robust and cost-effective virtualization foundation to deliver these scenarios.However, there is significant risk in virtualizing SQL Server environments without giving careful consideration to the workloads being virtualized and the requirements of the server applications running on a Hyper-V environment.


1,919 reads


EightKB 2024 – Schedule and Registration


Hello Hello, We. Are. Back! The schedule for EightKB 2024 Edition has been announced!...

Inside SQL Server Backup and Restore History Pruning with sp_delete_backuphistory


I had a customer that was looking to document a restore that had occurred...

T-SQL Tuesday #176: That Piece of Technical Advice for the Past Me


DIVERSIFY! We devote a lot of time to mastering the technology that we are...

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