
External Article

Unique Records In Oracle

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Defining unique records in an Oracle table is necessary for employee data, and manufacturing part numbers and user names, to name a couple of examples. David Fitzjarrell looks at the various ways uniqueness can be defined, and which method may not be acceptable to third-party applications.


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External Article

The Oracle PL/SQL Results Cache

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Oracle offers a results cache in the database (from 11.2 onwards) and in PL/SQL (again, from 11.2 onwards) which can greatly reduce execution time of repeated statements when insert/update/delete activity is not heavy. The mechanism in PL/SQL, however, may not work as expected with global temporary tables. Using a slightly modified example, Jonathan Lewis looks at what you might see when using this option.


4,120 reads

External Article

Automatic UNDO in Oracle

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Automatic UNDO Management isn't voodoo or black magic, although it can seem that way when it isn't clearly understood. How does Oracle decide how many UNDO segments to create at startup, and what is the underlying goal of the process? David Fitzjarrell investigates.


3,322 reads

External Article

Deciding on a Primary Key in Oracle

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Designing a system with primary keys in mind is not an easy task, and the solutions may not be the simplest. However the effort is well worth the time and trouble when you realize that it's the best way to prevent duplicate data - but how do you choose a primary key? David Fitzjarrell looks at several examples.


4,312 reads

External Article

Webinar: Oracle Exadata & In-Memory Real-World Performance

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On January 28th 3PM GMT, Randolf Geist will present a free, one-hour webinar analyzing different database query profiles based on a real-world customer case. He'll also look at how these different profiles influence the efficiency of Exadata's features and the new Oracle In-Memory column store option. Register now.


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