
SQLServerCentral Article

Freeware Product : ASPReport

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It provides an infrastructure to create and manage various SQL Server stored procedure based reports into HTML output. You can add reports, categorize them in a treeview, edit, delete and manage the report parameters - all through the web interface. Members can now download this as Freeware at SQLServerCentral.com.

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Technical Article

Get Your Free DTS Poster

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SQLServerCentral.com has crossed 40,000 users! Thanks for all of you telling your friends about our site and making us a strong SQL Server community. To thank you, you can request to receive a free DTS object model poster that we worked on in conjuction with Lumigent. To sign up to get your hard copy, go to http://www.lumigent.com/go/sqlcentral05

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Technical Article

Hotek, Tripp Launch PASS Regional Seminars

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SQL Server MVP Mike Hotek and industry expert Kimberly Tripp launch the latest SQL Server educational offering from PASS - one day seminars beginning this June in Chicago and August in Las Vegas. Join Mike and Kim as they demonstrate their expertise on SQL Server replication and tuning high performance SQL Server 2000 databases. Space is limited. Seminar details and convenient, secure online registration is available at http://www.sqlpass.org/events/seminars.


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SQLServerCentral Article

SQLServerCentral.com Launches April Contest

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SQLServerCentral.com launched it April contest on April 1st sponosored by Lockwood Tech and SQL Server Magazine. Win LockWood Tech's Proc-Blaster Enterprise Edition, SQL Server Magazine, or Admin911 all for helping to build the SQL Server community.

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