
SQLServerCentral Article

Date and Time in SQL Server 2008

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SQL Server 2008 is well on its way to being complete and released with the release of the second CTP recently. There aren't a tremendous number of changes, but one of the more interesting ones is the changes to date and time handling in this new platform. The time and date datatypes have been separated and longtime SQL Server author Vincent Rainardi brings us a short look at how there can be used.

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SQLServerCentral Article

Passing a Table to a Stored Procedure

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SQL Server 2008, code named Katmai, has some very interesting additions to the SQL Server platform to make your development tasks easier. One of these is passing a table variable as a parameter to a stored procedure and regular columnist Jacob Sebastian shows us how.

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2009-02-13 (first published: )

33,358 reads


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