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Summit Learning Pathways Announced

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Whatever your learning objectives or career goals are, Summit has the guided learning pathways you need to achieve them. Summit attendees can choose from 9 learning pathways, featuring over 40 industry-leading speakers, which have been designed to walk you through a specific set of learning outcomes to ensure that you leave Summit with the skills you need to make an immediate impact in your organization. Presenters include Ginger Grant, John Morehouse, Erin Stellato, Dustin Vannoy, and many more!


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Flyway How-tos: a User’s Perspective

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Flyway provides a database-independent way for a team to track, manage and apply database changes, while maintaining strict control of database versions. It updates a database by running a series of versioned migration scripts, in order, and keeps track of all the changes in a special "schema history" table. It sounds simple, but it is easy to derail this team discipline if you don't find the right answers to the following questions…


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What is the Flyway Teamwork Framework?

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My FlywayTeamwork PowerShell framework is designed to help get you started quickly with developing databases, using Flyway versioned migrations. It introduces a PowerShell task library, and automation, to take care of repetitive chores. It will also help you get to grips with the practicalities of using Flyway in team-based development. This article explains the basics of its design and provides a demo how to use Flyway to migrate a PostgreSQL database, while generating a high-level narrative of the changes made between versions.



EightKB 2024 – Schedule and Registration


Hello Hello, We. Are. Back! The schedule for EightKB 2024 Edition has been announced!...

Inside SQL Server Backup and Restore History Pruning with sp_delete_backuphistory


I had a customer that was looking to document a restore that had occurred...

T-SQL Tuesday #176: That Piece of Technical Advice for the Past Me


DIVERSIFY! We devote a lot of time to mastering the technology that we are...

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Azure Data Lake Storage Gen 2

Azure Data Lake Storage Gen 2 is built on ...?

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