• Well, this is certainly a pickle. First, thank you to everyone for your time. Much to my embarassment it seems to be an ASP issue after all. Being that the entire framework is for business logic abstraction, there's quite a few reference tosses of the ADO Connection object bouncing around and it ultimately lands on a single execute method and thus a single ConnectionObject.execute call. The weird thing is, as I am certain that the method in question is being called once and only once, it seems that there is a copy of the object floating in memory somewhere and is executing in bi-lateral fashion. For the purposes of explanation I'll throw some scenarios below, but I realize this is a SQL forum and so please don't feel obliged to pursue or comment on it:

    (in a function called execute:)


    set execute = ConnectionObject.execute("myStoredProc")

    Single-Insert (even though this function is called once during a single HTTP request):

    set execute = ConnectionObject.execute("myStoredProc")


    Single-Insert (weird):

    set execute = ConnectionObject.execute("myStoredProc")

    set execute = ConnectionObject.execute("select * from table1")

    The latter situation is particularly bizarre. All in all it seems that when the execute method on the connection object is called once, it is executing twice. This is why I assume that some object copy or reference is getting jumbled and executed in tandem. Not even sure how to continue debugging and using a response.end or immediate second query as shown above isn't an option. If I do find a solution I'll post it in the case that any of you are wondering.

    Thanks much again!
