• Thanks for your help bkelley.

    The exact error that I have when a member of the group try to connect is:

    “Unable to Connect to server xxx

    Server: Msg 18456, Level 16, State 1

    [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Login failed for user ‘Domain\Name’”

    Do you have put in place the same structure than me: Domain Group with NT Authentification on several computers in the same domain?

    I ask you this question because I can only test this problem on the office domain. I have no else structure like this. At this moment I haven’t meet or discuss with somebody who try exactly the same thing. I try to determine if it’s a SQL Server configuration problem, or domain configuration problem or policy problem.

    If somebody could try the same test than me, it will be great:

    - Normal user, SQL Server Computer, and domain computer are on the same domain but on 3 different computers.

    - On the domain (with active directory) we create a group of user with our normal user.

    - Normal user and Domain group has no windows access on the SQL Server computer

    - Domain Group has only a public access to a DB on SQL Server. The DB by default is the DB where the group has access 🙂

    If everything is in place, the user tries to connect with SQL Query analyzer to the SQL Server. For the moment I have always the error list at the beginning of this mail.