• Here is a way to do it without a cursor, although maybe this is not much better.

    -- create tables

    CREATE TABLE qualifications(ClientID int, Qualifications varchar(20))

    Create table Client (ClientID int,ClientName varchar(20))

    -- populate the tablea

    insert into qualifications values(1,'BSc')

    insert into qualifications values(3,'BA')

    insert into qualifications values(1,'MSc')

    insert into client values(1,'John Smith')

    insert into client values(2,'Chris Jones')

    insert into client values(3,'Joe Bloggs')

    -- declare variables

    declare @p char(1000)

    declare @top int

    declare @m int

    declare @sm-2 int

    declare @name char(20)

    -- Print Report Heading

    print 'Client Name ' + 'Qualifications'

    print '-------------------- ' + '------------------------------------------'

    set @p = ''

    select top 1 @top =clientid from client order by clientid desc

    -- set @m to the first id number

    select top 1 @m = clientid, @name=clientname from client order by clientid

    -- Process until no more clients

    while @m <= @top


    -- string together all items with a comma between

    select @p = rtrim(@p) + ', '+ Qualifications

    from qualifications a

    where Clientid = @m

    -- print detail row

    print @name + ' ' + rtrim(substring(@p,3,len(@p)))

    -- increment clientid number

    set @sm-2 = @m

    select top 1 @m = clientid, @name=clientname from client where clientid > @m order by clientid

    set @p = ''

    if @m = @sm-2 set @m = @top + 1



    DROP TABLE qualifications, client

    Gregory Larsen, DBA

    If you looking for SQL Server Examples check out my website at http://www.geocities.com/sqlserverexamples

    Gregory A. Larsen, MVP