• Boy, you guys are brave!

    I NEVER use dynamic SQL EVER in ANY Production system.

    It does come in handy for 1-off utilities that I write and use myself.

    For Queries that return the same result set and the predicate varies (the WHERE Clause) I use a stored procedure that accepts all of the search attributes (and defaults them to NULL if not passed). The sp has a single hard coded query with any join logic required to return the attributes in the result set. The key is that it also contains a join to a User Defined Function that accepts the search criteria as input parameters. This UDF returns a single column table containing the PK values that meet the search criteria and restricts rows returned to only those matching the search criteria.

    Here is a simple example:

    SELECT c.FirstName







    ,HomePhone = cp.PhoneNumber

    FROM dbo.Customer c


    JOIN dbo.CustomerAddress ca


    ON c.CustomerID = ca.CustomerID


    JOIN CustomerPhone cp


    ON c.CustomerID = cp.CustomerID

    AND cp.PhoneType = 'Home'

    -- This join is used instead of a WHERE clause to limit results based on input parameters

    JOIN dbo.udf_CustomerSearch(@Lastname


    ,@PhoneNumber) k

    ON c.CustomerID = k.CustomerID

    Be careful out there.