• Here is the conversion, it is written in Pascal:

    Please note that I have not been able to place a plus sign that can be seen in the preview, for some reason the plus sign dissapears; I have placed (Plus sign) instead.

    function ConvertStringStreamToHex(aString: String): String;


    x: Integer;


    Result := EmptyStr;

    for x := 0 to length(aString) do


    Result := Result (Plus sign) IntToHex(Ord(aString[x]), 2);


    //Format the hext for sql

    //Must change the 2 first chars by a "0x"

    //for this to work

    Result := '0x' (Plus sign) copy(Result, 3, length(Result));


    I have tryed this method and it works with a blob of aprox 83000 chars. May be someone has ideas of the correctness of this?

    BTW ISQW cannot apply it since the blob hex representation is larger than 64K. If someone needs a tool for adding such a huge statement please let me know.