• Hello sbuckby,


    We had exactly this same problem. Our client provides a work order system that we HAVE to use. We can extract a CSV from it.

    We use some VB to parse the records on the way. The client system has some field rules that don't fit our field rules ALL of the time. We dump whatever we can into a table in the database specifically for this purpose. There's a trigger on this table that puts the data where it really belongs.

    It could be a DTS in our case, but the transformation would include the same VB code as we're using now.

    as with all things in life there is more than one way you can go. In most cases it might be the right choice to pull data into SQL Server using DTS, and then there are cases, where it is more appropriate to push data into SQL Server from outside. For either way, if it is efficient it's ok.



    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
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